A character or staff member must then make a Cha-
r isma (Deception. Per formance. or Persuasion) check
to get all other characters and staff on board with the
prescribed changes. This check gains a + l bonus for
each decisionist or sccretarian in the franch ise. and an
additional +1 bonus if t he character making the check
has one of those posi tions.
All checks gain a +1 bonus for ever y two work weeks
beyond the initial time that i s spent undertaking this
activity. Each check also gains a + l bonus for ever y addi-
tional 100 gp spent over the baseline expenses. A maxi-
mum bonus of +10 can be applied to each check.
The total number of successes determines the out-
come of the activity. as noted on the Franchise Restr uc-
turing table.
Successes Benefit
O The restructuring plan is a failure. The fran-
chise's monthly cos ts increase by^20 percent for
1 month.
The restructuring plan provides minor benefits.
The franchise's monthly costs decrease by 10
percent for l d4 months.
2 The restructuring plan provides strong benefits.
The franchise's monthly costs decrease by 20
percent for ld4 months.
Complication s. A result of 0 successes typically i ndi-
cates that the fai led restructuring results in a complica-
tion. At the DM's discretion, even a successfu l outcome
m ight have unexpected side effects. The DM can choose
a complication or roll on the Franchise Restructuring
Complications table.
d6 Complication
The restructuring plan has too many buzzwords and
acronyms. The resulting confusion sees shipments or
staff sent to dangerous locations. A side trek adven-
ture is required to recover the lost goods or personnel.
2 The changes to the franchise alienate an important
staff member, who takes one of the franchise' s best
practices or secrets to a rival.;i-
The search for efficiency uncovers a previously un-
recognized issue, such as corruption, problems with
staff dynamics, or influence from a rival.*
An audit reveals that one of the s taff members was a
spy , feeding secrets to a rival. The spy escapes, possi-
bly inspiring a side trek adventure to catch them.*
The restructuring efforts produce lingering chaos.
The next two times a check is made for a downtime
or franchise activity in the campaign, the check is
made with d isadvantage.
A staff member becomes outraged by the changes
and secretly begins to undermine the franchise. The
characters must uncover the culprit and decide how
to deal with them.*
*Might involve a rival
Major headquar ters modifications are made as a regular
part of franchise advancement (see "Franchise Advance-
ment'' earlier in this chapter). But it's sometimes desir-
abl e to update a previous modification in ways that don't
provide any addit ional mechanical benefits.
Character s and franchise staff members can use this
activity to modify an existing headquar ters feature. This
change is subject t o DM approval, and is typically done
within t he same feature category, such as swapping
one w eapon option for another. In response to pressing
need. the OM might allow a franchise to swap options
between categor ies, such as losing a weapon option in
favor of an arcane option. The OM can limit how often
this activity is used.
Resources. Once a modification is approved. this ac-
tivity requires the involvement of the franchise's major-
domo and at least one other character or staff member.
This team must dedicate at l east three workweeks to
this activity, and the franchise must spend 1,^000 gp per
franchise rank to cover expenses. The OM might also
require a side trek to gather necessary materials or hire
specialist l abor before the activity can be commenced.
Resolution. One character or the majordomo acts as
the lead for this activity, m aking an Intelligence (Arcana
or History) check to draft the modifications. A character
or the majordomo must then make two abil ity checks to
complete the modi fications, u sing either Strength (Ath-
let ics) or an Intelligence check using appropriate tools.
W it h OM approval, a differ ent ability and skill appro-
priate for the modification can be substituted for any of
the checks.
Each ch eck receives a +I bonus for ever y two staff
participating who are skilled hirelings. and a +l bonus
if any participant has the cartographer, loremonger,
or hoardsperson position. The number of successes is
compared to the Headquarters Modification table.
Successes Benefit
O The modification fails, and the franchise incurs
cost overruns of 1,000 gp per franchise rank.
The modification fails, and the franchise incurs
cost overruns of 500 gp per franchise rank.
However, the cause of the failure is apparent,
granting advantage on any future checks to per-
form the same modification.
The modifica tion succeeds but incurs a cost
overrun of^100 gp per franchise rank. The mod-
ification also has a minor drawback, as deter-
mined by the OM.
The modifica tion succeeds with no cost over-
runs or drawbacks.
Complications. A result of 0 successes or 1 success
automatically creates a complication. Other results
might cr eate a compl ication at the DM's determination.
The DM can select a complication or roll on t he Head-
quarter s Modi fication Complications table.