d6 Complicat ion
An accident during the modification injures a fran-
chise staff member. That NPC's family demands
compensation equal to 100 gp per franchise rank. It
might be possible to instead appease the family by
performing a service.
2 A spy makes a copy of the plans for the modification,
learning its function and taking that information back
to a rival organization.'~
3 The modification was based on information orig·
inating with a rival. If the modification failed, the
plans were intentionally faulty. If it succeeded, the
characters detected the fault, but must decide how to
respond to the attempted sabotage.*
4 A local official insists that permits were needed for
the modification, and demands payment or a favor to
make the problem go away.~'
The work causes the franchise headquarters to de-
velop a quirk, such as strange noises, unwelcome
smells, weird vibrations while mobile, and the like.
Resolving the problem might require consulting a
sage or an expert in headquarters construction.
6 The modification work uncovers a previously unknown
problem with the headquarters, such as a structural
defect, a dormant mons ter, bodies interred in the
foundations, a concealed cursed item, and so forth.
*Might involve a rival
Every success ful franchise knows that brands require
constant manageme n t. Deve loping new marke ts,
shaping catchy s logans, and surveying and engaging
customers can all create new sources of re venue.
Should you write and sell exci ting chapbook
s erials based on the exploits of Omin, Jim,
Morgren, and Viari? Should you s ell a comple x
inve s t ment scheme to a city's guild mas ters?
Should you create a branded stage production
based on your franchise's exciting adventures,
with a line of clothing to matc h? All those
things and more are encompassed by the fine art
of marke teering.
R e sources. The playe rs must first sketch out
their marke teering plan and pre s ent it to the DM.
A characte r or franchise staff m ember must spend
at least one workweek to engage in marketeering,
and must spend 100 gp per franchise rank in
expe nses. Spending m or e m oney increase s the
chance of the plan's success.
Resolution. A marke teering effort requires
thre e ability checks, r epresenting drafting the
campaig n , launching the campaign, and managing
its success. Any of the characters or staff m em·
bers involved in the marke teering can make a
check. The DM decides which abilities and skills
are applicable, based on the marketeering plan.
For example, a plan involving selling a new line of
re ligious ite ms might require an Inte lligence (Re ligion)
c heck to draft the idea and develop the products, a Cha-
ris m a (De ception) check to convince local temples to
promote the ide a, and a Charisma ( Pe r suas ion) check to
e nsure the plan receive s continue d support.
Each c heck gains a +l bonus for e a ch additional
100 gp pe r franchise rank spe nt above the baseline
expenses. Whe n additional gold is sp e nt, the character
m aking the checks d etermine s whic h c hecks the bo·
nuses apply to. Additio nal gold can be spent at any point
in the process, allowing the fra nc hise to put more effort
into subseque nt c hecks if earlie r c hecks are less than
s uccessful. If the ch aracte r making the check has the
o bviator or secretarian position, t hey receive an a ddi-
tio nal +l bonus to e ac h c heck. A maximum bonus of + 5
can be applied to e ach c heck.
The DC of e ac h check is d etermine d ra ndomly, reflect·
ing the a lways -unpre dictable conditions of the m arket.
The DM rolls 2dl0 + 5 for the DC, generating a sepa r ate
result for each check. The total numbe r of s uccesses
determines the outcome of the activity, a s noted on the
Marke teering table.