Successes Benefit
0 The marketeering plan fails. The franchise's
monthly costs increase by 20 percent for^1
The marketeering plan provides no improve-
ments or setbacks.
2 The marketeering plan provides moderate ben-
efits. The franchise's monthly costs decrease by
25 percent for 1 month.
3 The marketeering plan is a complete success.
The franchise's monthly costs decrease by^25
percent for 2 months.
Complications. A rcsu It of 0 successes or 1 success
typically indicates that the marketeering plan incurs
a complication. However, even a successful result can
trigger a complication at the DM's determination. The
OM can c hoose a complication or roll on the Marketeer-
ing Complications table.
d8 Complication
The marketeering plan attracts the attention of Head
Office, where someone absolutely hates it. A NPC is
sent to oversee the franchise "for a while," with an
outcome determined by the DM.*
2 Marketeerrng materials go missing right before
launch, forcing the franchise to recreate them at the
last minute. This might incur additional baseline
costs or affect the reduction of franchise costs, as the
DM determines.*
3 Just as the marketeering plan is released to the pub-
lic, the characters realize that a competing group
released a surprisingly similar plan just a tenday pre-
vious. Customers now think the franchise is copying
its rival.1<
The marketeering's message alienates or offends a
crucial demographic. Protests spring up, and the af-
fected group demands reparations.
A loca l official or noble begins to look into claims of
deceptive advertising tactics or questionable hiring
practices related to the marketeering plan.*
The marketeering plan creates great interest-but un-
fortunately steers customers toward similar products
or services offered by a competitor.*
The catchphrase or theme song of the marketeering
campaign is a surprise hit, and everyone repeats it
endlessly! Until they tire of it and begin blaming the
franchise for mental trauma.
The marketeering plan is undermined by rumors of a
problem with the product or service, causing it to be
dangerous to anyone using it.*
'"Might involve a rival
It can feel great to give to charity and help those in need.
Pretending to care about others can also be a great way
to earn favor with governments and nobility, gain tax
write-offs, or win over customers. Head Office might
suggest (or even require) that a franchise undertake this
activity if it has recently gained negative publicity or
been discovered to engage in shady activities.
Franchise member s should select a philanthropic
cause related to a nearby area. settlement. o r group of
people. Example causes include such efforts as picking
up trash from roads or forests, improving schools, and
raising funds for victims of a recent disaster. (That last
one is an especially good idea if the disaster was caused
by the franchise). Success benefits the franchise by help-
ing the selected cause-or at least giving the appearance
of having done so. Failure might worsen both the unde r-
lying issue and the franchise's reputation.
Resources. The philanthropic exercise activity re-
quires a t lease one workweek o f effort, and incurs 50 gp
per franchise rank in expenses.
Resolution. One character or staff member involved
in the philanthropic enterprise makes an ability c heck
determined by the OM. A Charisma check using the
character's choice of s kill is often appropriate, but the
OM might decide that a specific philanthropic approach
requires a different ability and skill. A character with
the documancer or occultant position gains a +l bonus
to the check. The total of the check determines the out-
come, as shown on the Philanthropic Enterprise table.
Check Total Result
1-5 The philanthropic enterprise is a disaster. The
cause is left severely worse off, and literally ev-
eryone blames the franchise.
6- 10 The cause shows no real improvement, and
people are slow to accept the franchise's claims
of wanting to help.
11 - 15
The franchise is praised for its help in improv-
ing the chosen cause. Donations to the cause
pour in, allowing the franchise to skim an hono-
rarium of 200 gp.
The cause shows serious improvement, and the
franchise is heralded for its actions. Donations
to the cause pour in, allowing the franchise to
skim a management fee of 500 gp.
The cause shows remarkable improvement, and
the franchise is credited for all but fully resolv-
ing the issue. Local officials provide a tax break,
reducing the franchise's monthly costs by 20
percent for 2 months.
Complications. A result of 1- 5 on the Philanthropic
Enterprise table automatically generates a complication.
But the OM can decide that even success might have
drawbacks. either choosing or rolling for a complication
on the Philanthropic Enterprise Complications table.
People give away th eir money? For no reason? But
how will th ey buy ale ancl arrows?