Resources. An intended shady business practice is
detailed by the players and approved by the DM. Any
shady business practice requires at least two work-
weeks of effort. plus 50 gp per franchise rank in ex-
penses to set up the scheme.
Resolution. A shady business practice requires three
ability checks, reflecting the ongoing progress of the
chosen scheme. Any of the characters or staff mem-
bers involved in the shady business practice can make
a check. The abilities and skills applicable for each
check are determined by the DM, reflecting the selected
scheme and the ongoing narrative. For example, an
attempt to set up a fly-by-night casino might require an
Intelligence (Investigation) check to case a town for a
suitable location, a Wisdom or Charisma check making
use of gaming set proficiency to run the operation, and
a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to get away with the
profits. At the DM's determination, each check gains a
+l bonus if the character making the check has a back-
ground appropriate to the shady activity.
The DC of each check is determined randomly, reflect-
ing the risky nature of criminal enterprises. The DM
rolls 2dl0 + 5 for the DC, generating a separate result
for each check. The total number of successes deter-
mines the outcome of the activity, as noted on the Shady
Business Practice table.
Some outcomes of shady business provide an addi-
tional benefit, c hosen by the DM and relating to the
Why would I know anything about shad b.
. 'l Wh y usmess
k practices. 'Y are you asking· me'> · I' m sure Id on , t
. now wh_atyou mean. Plausible deniability certainly
is not an important business tip l'd recommend.
- Rosie Beestinger
characters' chosen enterprise. For example, a franchise
engaged in corporate espionage might gain insight into
a rival, while a franchise selling black-market goods
might learn the name of a corrupt government official.
Successes Benefit
0 All participants in the shady business practice
are arrested, and the franchise is fined 250 gp
per franchise rank.
The shady business practice is a borderline
success, providing 50 gp in profits per franchise
2 The shady business practice is a moderate suc-
cess, providing 100 gp in profits per franchise
rank. Additionally, the franchise gains a minor
benefit related to the enterprise.
3 The shady business practice is a full success,
providing 150 gp in profits per franchise rank.
Additionally, the franchise gains a maj >r benefit
related to the enterprise.
Complications. Achieving 0 successes automatically
generates a complication, but the DM might decide that
any illicit enterprise runs the risk of unforeseen circum-
stances. The DM can choose a complication or roll on
the Shady Business Practice Complications table.
d6 Complication
One of the franchise's staff members is arrested in
connection with the scheme-and is set to be inter-
rogated about all the franchise's activities.*
2 Characters or staff members meet a corrupt official
or noble as a result of the scheme. This brash and
flamboyant individual threatens to draw attention to
any future shady enterprises.
3 A rival uncovers the shady scheme and threatens to
expose it.*
4 A citizens group hears rumors about the franchise's
involvement in the shady scheme, and forms a watch
organization to monitor the characters.
5 An NPC who participated in the scheme tries to
blackmail the franchise, asking for payment or a favor
to keep quiet.
6 A t h ieves' guild or other criminal organization takes an
interest in the scheme. They order the franchise to run
this activity every month, and demand a 10 percent
cut. While the franchise does so, all checks for shady
business practice activities are made with advantage.*
*Might involve a rival