Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

The schmoozing activity is more than just random ca-
rousing, chatting people up at society parties, or pump-
ing strangers for information over copious dr inks. ( Full
disclosure: copious drinks are often still a par t of t he
bigger schmoozing picture.) For characters in an Acqui-
sit ions Incor porated campaign, schmoozing is a care-
fully focused engagement of bargaining and influence.
designed to har vest contacts impor tant to a franchise's
Resources. Schmoozing covers at least one work-
week of i nter actions. Characters or staff members
under taking this activity must l ook and play the part
of t he confident franchisee-dressing well, s pend-
ing money, giving gi fts to new friends. and so for th.
Schmoozing with laborers and other working-class folk
might incur expenses of 10 gp per franchise rank, with
expenses escalating to 100 gp or more per franchise
rank for schmoozing professionals and business rivals.
Schmoozi ng at th e highest l evel with nobles or ranking
members of a faction might incur expenses of^250 gp or
more per franchise rank as t he character or staff mem-
ber attempts to put on an impressive social d isplay.

Resolution. The character or staff member engagi ng

in schmoozing determines wheth er th ey want to estab-
lish relations with specific NPCs or with any general
representative of a group. T he character makes a Cha-
risma ( Persuasion) check to determine the effectiveness
of their schmoozing. as noted on the Schmoozing table.

A character with the obviator position gains a +l bonus

to the check. A character with a background related to
those they attempt to schmooze gai ns a +l bonus to the
check (a criminal schmoozing other criminals, a guild
artisan schmoozing a guild master, and so for th).

Check Total Result
1- 5 Th e character's failed schmoozing brings the
franchise into d isrepute. Any further checks
made for the franchise to schmooze NPCs from
the same group or organization a re made with
6-10 The characte r becomes known to t hose they
schmooze, but gains no immediate bene fit.
If the character undertakes this activity again
wit h in the same g roup or social circle , the next
check to schmooze is m ad e with advantage.
11 -15 The character successfully establishes the de-
sired contacts, and is treated as a confidante of

16- 20

21 +

t ho se they schmoozed.
The characte r establishes the des ired contacts
and is treated as a trusted friend.
The character establishes the desired contacts
and gains a favor as a result of their schmooz-
ing skill.

If contacts are successfully made, t he DM determines
which N PCs the franchise is able to ingratiate itsel f
with. how long those relationships last, and what kinds
of benefits the franchise might gain. Some schmoozed

PCs might provide only a si ngle minor benefit to the
franchise before realizing the one-sided nature of the
relationship. Others might hang around wanti ng to help
the franchise for years-wheth er th e characters want
them to or not.
Complications. A check of 5 or l ower made to
schmooze automatically triggers a complication. Be-
cause the stakes of schmoozing are often high, the DM
mi ght decide to have any successful schmooze au empt
come with a potential downside. The OM can choose
a complication or roll on the Schmoozing Complica-
tions table.

d6 Complication
A d iffere n t group notices the characte r's schmoozing
attempts. Agents threaten to expos e the franchise's
ulterior motives unless th e ch arac ters perform a favor
or pay a bribe.*
2 To win over a potential contact, the schmoozing
character o r staff mem ber swore to par ticipate in an
initiation ritual fro m the contact's group ... without
first learning the nature of that ritual.
3 A contact becomes convinced that the schmoozing
character or staff member intends to leave the fran-
chise and join the contact's organization. It 's clear
that they'll become hurt or an gry when they learn the
4 In the attempt to win over a contact, it was n ecessary
to reveal one of t he franchise's secre ts.*
5 The character or staff membe r regrets giving a con·
tact a personal item, a drop of blood, or a lock of hair.
It seemed like a great idea at the time.*
6 Shortly after schmoozing, t he character or s taff mem·
ber receives a love letter from a contac t- whether
that interest is reciprocated or not.*
*Involve s a faction o r riva l

The frenetic pace of adventuring and running a fran-
chise sometimes covers up underly ing issues. Has the
party 's cleric accidentally started worshiping a dark
god? Is the maj ordomo at odds with the occultant's habit
of displaying entrails in the great hall? l s the fighter
questioning th eir life choices? The team building activ-
ity can help characters work through problems, settle
differences. and adjust the w ork-life balance. I n the end,
everyone ends up with a healthier working relationship.
Or at least th at's the plan.
At the DM 's determination. characters might be di-
rected by H ead Office to run this activity each time a
new franchise rank is gained, or during times of excep-
tional chaos or uncertainty.

Resources. Team buildi ng requires th e involvement

of at least two characters, or a character and a staff
member. Those individuals must dedicate at least one
workweek to th is activity, whose particulars are w orked
out by participating players and 1he DM. The team build-

ing exercise might be a trust-inspiring ropes course, an

emotional "resolve your issues" w orkshop, a meeting

GH \l'TER^2 I c;ROWINt; YOUR FRANClll~I·. 15
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