Skill Proficie ncy: Dece ption, Insight
Tool Proficie ncies: One gaming set
Languages: Any one of your choice
Equipment: One gaming set, a lucky charm, a set of fine
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
Odds and probability are your bread and butter. During
downtime activities that involve games of chance or fig-
uring odds on the best plan, you can get a solid s ense of
which choice is likely the best one and which opportuni-
ties seem too good to be true, at th e DM's dete rmination.
Some gamble out of necessity. Others do so out of
boredom. Still others become addicted to the thrill of
winning or losing eve rything on a turn of fortune. For
some, gambling is les s a matte r of chance and more a
matter of s eeking eve ry adva ntage to ensure the out-
come. The best gamblers can lose eve rything, and the
worst gamblers some times win. Regardless, you can
always tell gamblers by the look in their eyes. Lady Luck
haunts the m.
d8 Personality Trait
I plan for every contingency. Leave nothing to chance!
2 Every copper wants to be a silver. Each bet is an
3 I'm one of Lady Luck's favored. Anything I try is
destined to succeed.
4 I've lost so much to gambling that I refuse to spend
money on anything anymore.
S Nothing is certain. Planning is a coward's act.
6 I can' t be sure who I've swindled, cheated, or
defeated, so I keep a low profile in public.
7 The perfect bet is out there somewhere. I just have to
keep my eyes open.
8 I have beaten my addiction, but all it takes is one
weak moment and I'll be back at the card table.
d6 Ideal
Knowledge. Knowledge is power, and knowing which
horse to back is the key to success. (Any)
2 Fate. Whatever happens is fated, regardless of any
planning or striving. (Lawful)
3 Bravery. If you want to succeed, you have to take
risks. (Chaotic)
4 Survival. You can't win if you're dead. Live to fight
another day- when the odds might be more in your
favor. (Any)
S Reliability. When I was in need, I was able to rely
on others. Now I want to be the one others rely on.
6 Victory. Winning is the real measure of a person.
In the end, the only thing that matters is the
scoreboard. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 One person in particular owes me a lot of money, and
I need to keep them alive ifl want to be repaid.
2 I'm loyal to the friend or family member who taught
me how to gamble.
3 The person who saved me from my gambling
addiction is the only reason I'm alive today.
4 A patron once fronted me money i n exchange for
a percentage of my winnings. I owe them a debt of
gratitude. And a lot of cash.
5 A criminal syndicate I once played for isn't happy I
left the game, and its enforcers are looking for me.
6 Urchins once helped me find marks for my games.
Now I'm driven to help them escape the streets.
d6 Flaw
I don't know when to quit. Especially when everyone
el se is telling me to.
2 I save my sympathy for my friends, and I have no
3 You think we're in trouble now? Let me tell you how
bad th ings are likely to get!
4 You can loan me a little, right? I've got a sure thing.
I'll double your money, guaranteed.
5 I was once a terribly flawed person, like you. Let me
tell you how you can save yourself.
6 I'm a great gambler. I' m just bad at math and logic.
S ure, accidents happe n. But they seem to happe n an aw-
ful lot when Acquis itions Incorporated o peratives are on
the scene. Naturally, nothing ever happens whe n the re
a re no witnesses left be hind. But sometimes one casu-
alty is left a little les s than dead, jus t wa iting to discove r
wha t a lucky break that accide nt actually was.
Yo u we re a victim of a legal incide nt t hat was os te ns i-
bly the fault of Acquis itions Incorporated. At least th a t's
what the local magis trate said. But before a final ruling
could be handed down. Acquisitio ns Incorpo rated of-
fe red you a job! Don' t know how to s wing a sword? They
promised to teac h you! Think you have wha t it takes to
s ling spells? They've got mas te rs who'll have you throw-
ing fire in no time!
With the promise of untold treasures a nd realms of
magic and mystery just a dungeon away, you left your
old life behind. Now a world of adventure is yours. Jus t
initial here and sign here and here. Absolve Acq Jnc of
all forme r claims, and acknowledge you unde rstand pas t
outcomes don't guarantee future results.
S kill Proficiency: Medicine, P e rs uasion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artis an's tools
Languages: Any one of your c hoice
Equipment: One s et of artisan's tools, fine
clothes, 20 gp
Your e xpe rie nce with your local lega l sys te m has give n
you a firm knowledge of th e ins a nd o uts of that syste m.