Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1
Acquisitions Incorporated barbaria ns walk a different
path than their kin of the wild lands. Or, more precisely,

th ey walk familiar paths in unique and novel ways.

Rather than calling upon the spirits of your ancestors,
you are in communion with the franchise executives and
corporate raiders who have traveled your path before.
These paragons of commerce still exist in the spirit
world, bemoaning their losses and looking to balance
their debts in the afterlife by providing g uidance tooth-
ers. Sometimes these spirits appear as officious clerks
reminding you of expense accounts and budgets. Other
times, they are fellow heavies and knee breakers who
died in the line of duty, sarcastically calling out your
mistakes in a misguided effort to be of assistance.

d6 Spirit Guardian
A half-ore enforcer called joey Plantain, missing his
right arm
2 A disgraced tax collector named Nibbin Clutchquill
3 An overly enthusiastic morale l iaison called Apricot
4 A grumpy dwarf carriage driver nicknamed Bolt
5 A pair of identical twin circus performers called Stella
and Bella
6 An elf bodyguard known as Mistress Leafwind

Unlike your wilder cousins, your connection to the spirit
world is a little less woodsy and a little more civilized.
However, that doesn't mean you still can't invoke the
power of a totem creature when you need it. Rathe r than
calling upon the bear, eagle, or wolf as your totem, you
might gain the same features by calling upon more ur-
ban creatures.

Totem Animal

Urban Replacements
Otyugh, giant spider
Crow, flying snake
Giant rat , giant fire beetle

You might not be particularly faithful, but your dedi-
cation to your job can easily be mistaken for a kind of
religious zeal. For Jong years, that dedication has been
a force that guides you, granting you abilities beyond
those of other skilled warriors. Rather than worshiping
Tempus or Bane, Gruumsh or Tyr, you instead bow
down before the altar of your own superiority. channel-
ing your ego to drive your franchise's s uccess.

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see if this wo;k:~empt_to serve. ~ ::n7 their Own

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  • K'th ·
    nss Drow'b

In addition to a number of subclasses from the Player's
Handbook, this section makes reference to the following
subclasses from Xanathar's Guide to Everything:
Barbarian: Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of
the Zealot
Bard: College of Glamour, College of Whispers
Druid: Circle of Dreams, Circle of the Shepherd
Fighter: Arcane Archer, Cavalier, Samurai
Monk: Way of the Drunken Master, Way of the Kensei, Way
of the Sun Soul
Paladin: Oath of Conquest
Ranger: Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker, Monster Slayer
Rogue: Mastermind, Scout, Swashbuckler
Sorcerer: Divine Soul, Shadow Magic, Storm Sorcery
Warlock: Celestial, Hexblade
Wizard: War Magic


There is nothing T would like to do more than explain to
you why I'm standing here with stolen goods and my rapier
sticking out of this still-warm corpse, officer. I assure you, l
have a completely reasonable and plausible explanation.

Singing songs and strumming lutes might be fine for
most bards. Who doesn't like a rous ing shanty now
and then? But standing in a crowded tavern playing for
copper pieces tossed by commoners isn't for everyone-
and it certainly isn't for bards in the Acq lnc world. The
power and magic tied up in the voice of a franchise bard
is meant for greate r things. More profitable things.
Adventuring and commerce are where the true les-
sons of life a re learned, and your bardic magic guaran-
tees your mastery of those lessons. Your love of music
has shown you that the world of commerce is a finely
tuned instrume nt in its own right- and you're just the
one to pluck it.

As a bard, you're known as the go-to figure when things
need to get done. Your tremendous array of skills and
abilities mean that you're often the first one called upon
to do the hard jobs. And if you're going to do something
difficult, you might as well do it with panache. Since
most of your franchise compatriots likely th ink ''pa-
nache" is some kind of elven delicacy, it's all the more
jumping a small pit? Land with the flourish of a world-
class gymnast! Slaying a kobold? Take it down with a
legendary oath, and no one will realize that an asth-
matic farmhand could have done the same thing with a
rusty sickle. Running across a room? Use prestidigita-
tion to blow your hair back, making it look like you have
th e speed and grace of Corellon themself.
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