I have faith in the power of the marketplace, and I see a lot
of nonbelievers out there with money to spend.
If you think wading through scores of undead in a
hau nted crypt or channeling divine power to keep your
par ty alive gets the adrenaline flowing, you should try
keeping the peace at a corporate board meeting. Or
managing the hostile takeover of a rival. Try negotiating
mer chandisi ng rights. It's not for the faint of heart.
Thankfully, your business acumen draws on i nsight
that's literally out of this world. As an emissary of di-
vine will, you possess the guiding wisdom that every
franchise needs, and the knowledge that your busi ness
plans are always the best ones. Because the gods would
never let you down, right?
Despite their supposed wisdom. many common clerics
fail to grasp the simple concept of using the best tool
for the job. To the devoted priest ofTempus, every prob-
lem is just begging to be solved by a formal declaration
of war. A cleric of Bane has never met a minion they
couldn't wait to kick around. Lathander's clerics are all
sunshine and happiness. even when they should be hid-
ing i n dark places to avoid danger.
As a cleric in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign,
you'll car efully choose your deity so that the domai ns of
your divine patron synergize seamlessly w ith the goals
of your franchise. But at the same ti me, you understand
that the greatest thing about the gods is their prolificacy.
W ith so many deities in so many pantheons, all of them
have their own stock to sell. As such, even though you
have your own personal favorite, you've also learned the
value of d iversifying your d ivine portfolio, keeping an ar-
ray of holy symbols and icons on hand for any occasion.
From the most notable nobles to the most humble mem-
bers of the working class, everyone needs faith and
spir itual guidance. And what better way to teach the
value of faith to others than to make su re the value of
faith is measured in gp. In addition to your franchise's
regular operations. you always keep a sideline going in
religious par aphernalia. selli ng specialized signature
i tems co select markets. By showing the world that faith
is your business, you can ensure that busi ness is al-
ways booming.
d8 Relic
l Saint's-thighbone walking stick (SO gp)
2 Do-it-yourself indulgence kit (10 gp}
3 Holy-water-brewed ale (20 gp)
4 Deva wing-feather bookmark (10 gp)
S Deity-autographed holy symbol (100 gp)
6 Scratch-and-sniff icon (5 gp}
7 Planetar shaving set (1 S gp)
8 Unexpurgated holy texts with all the really naughty
bits (10 gp)
Name a more iconic profession · I' ll wa1L.
- Omin Oran
You might pray for your spells each day at dawn, by the
dark of the moon, or whenever the fighter kicks you
awake to tell you your long rest is done, get healing
already! Either way, it's good to incorporate a regular
ritual into your daily devotions.
d8 Ritual
1 Fifteen minutes of deity-mandated calisthenics
2 Handwriting a detailed agenda for the next 24 hours
3 Sitting in silence for 15 minutes, while screaming
"Shut up!" at anyone who makes noise
4 Sleep another hour; your deity says it's fine
S Burning incense and lighting a candle on a makeshift
altar while you recite your vows
Practicing battle forms and stances
Creating a new likeness of your deity out of whatever
materials you have on hand
Drinking a lot of wine (sacramental, of course)
Every cleric has a uniquely personal connection to their
deity. You are no exception, though you like to think
you bring your own special flai r to the relationship, and
vice versa.
dl 0 Relationship
Your deity possesses you and speaks through your
lips, and you need someone else to take notes.
2 You see your deity's signs in the movements of crea-
tures, the changing weather, the shapes of buildings,
other stuff.
3 4 s 6 7 8
In secret, you curse the burden your deity has placed
on you.
You wonder often if you're worthy of your deity's gifts.
You're convinced your deity isn't all-knowing, because
they clearly have no idea what you really get up to.
Your deity gives you power and you give them glory-
at any cost.
Those other clerics don't love your deity like you do.
You were raised religious, but you only really go to
church on the high holidays.
9 Your deity's grace gives you peace. Their anger drives
your fury.
10 You've got buyer's remorse, and you're wondering if
this is really the deity for you.
Faerun is full of pantheons and deities, some of more
relevance and power than others. All those deities and
their servants can be found in an Acquisitions I ncorpo-
rated campaign, but a few select gods, goddesses, and
otherworldly powers might play a larger role.