This dwarven deity of greed gets a bad rap. Because
seriously. greed is just another form of the fundamental
urge for survival. If gold is power and power is life, then
the more gold you accumulate. the better and longer
your life will be. Why is it that people who have money
and power are admired and respected, yet people who
stop at nothing to attain money and power are "avari-
cious·· or "materialistic" or ''felons"? Abbathor might
be looked down upon and called evil for the lengths his
followers sometimes go to in the pursuit of wealth, but
the power he r epresents is the end goal of many an Ac-
quisitions Incorporated franchise.
When they coined the phrase "making a deal with the
devil." this is the devil they were talking about. The
L ords of the Nine Hells are the original CEOs of some
of the multiversc's most profitable megacorporations,
and Asmodeus is their master. lfyou want a model for
efficiency and motivation in an organization, look no
further than the infernal expanse of Nessus. You want
to talk about a perfect sales pitch and a diabolically
intricate contract? Asmodeus has you covered. Many
civilized nations don't even count worshiping Asmodeus
as a crime. unless you get into those nasty side trips of
humanoid sacrifice and the like. But as long as you re-
main cognizant of not wanting to throw away potential
customer s that way, how much risk of going down that
path could there be?
Death is a serious business. Literally. jergal is a lesser
dei ty who works al ongside Kelemvor. the god of the
dead. But whereas Kelemvor sees to the more meta-
physical side of death. jergal sees to the details. Where
did sweet Nana want to be buried? What rites did your
dearly departed love want performed? And how much of
a donation to the church will you be making to sec those
things done? As an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric de-
voted to Jergal, you underscand that there are only two
sure things in this world: death, and getting paid to do
something with the body.
The Lady of joy brings merriment, happiness. and fun
to the world. And there's nothing people will pay more
for than merriment, happiness. and fun. As a cleric wor-
shiping Lliira. you open yourself up to become a vessel
for the goddess·s j oy- for a price, of course. Because
surely. if joy sustains the soul just as food sustains the
body, then there·s nothing wrong with making a bit of
profit from happiness.
The Master of All Thieves is an important deity for
Acquisitions Incorporated characters to be aware of.
Mask is the god of acquisition. after all, and governs
the secrets that any successful Acq Inc franchise will
be dealing in. Whether personal. professional. or busi-
ness-related, secrets are an important component of
gaining leverage over others. Moreover. your successful
franchise will eventually have many secrets of its own
that you desperately need to keep quiet.
Everyone knows the adage that knowledge is power, but
no one believes it more than the worshipers of Oghma.
As a follower of the god of inspiration, invention. and
knowledge, you seek knowledge for its own sake. But as
a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you understand
further that knowledge is jusc the first component of any
business plan, and that turning knowledge into power
requires a consistent amount of the follow-up action that
your franchise is famous for.
The wise know that people are defined by their desires
al'i much as anything el se, and the Princess of Passion
is the patron of desires. In the battle of logic versus
passion, it's passion that guides mortals and gods more
often than not. As an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric
of Sune. your intimate understanding of passion- or,
better yet, your skill at manipulating the passions of oth-
ers- can be a huge boon to the operation of a successful
Luck is a lady tonight! And, as it turns out. every night.
The goddess of fortune is known as Lady Luck, and ev-
ery adventurer knows the importance of keeping luck on
their side. As a pragmatic Acq Inc cleric ofTymora, you
know that only stupid people ask the rhetorical question,
"Would you rather be lucky or good at something?" Be-
cause no matter how good you are, you'll eventually have
the bad lu ck of facing off against someone who's a whole
lot better. When that happens. good luck is the only
thing that's going to save you.
The Coinmaiden is the de facto patron of anyone who
trades goods or services for payment. And thankfully,
her relative ambivalence toward the laws underlying fair
trade and honoring deals makes Waukeen a perfect fit
for an Acquisitions Incorporated cleric. Regardless of
your best intentions. ensuring the success of your fran-
chise means eventually having to gingerly step across
some ethical or moral line. Or having to hide the fact
that your franchise companions have been busy erasing
the line completely.
My plan for creating an intern tier consisting of nothing but
giant ants should allow us lo increase productivity by^37
percent. Who'.s with me?
At first glance, druids might not seem the best fit for an
Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, with its frequent
forays into urban settings and its focus on treasure pro-
curement and business considerations. But the primal
power wielded by druids reflects the relentless cycles
of nature, which in turn make a remarkably presci ent
model for business. Growth and stagnation. Boom and