Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1


obscured by the blood of the fallen, the dust of a well-
trodden arena, or the fog of war, allies and enemies
alike take notice when you stalk the battlefield.

dl2 Equipment
1 Handcrafted arrows whose heads bear the mark of
a lightning bolt, and which give a distinctive whistle
when fired
2 A shield made from the shell of a giant turtle
3 A matching shortsword and dagger, decorated to
look like the upper and lower jaws of a carnivorous
4 A battleaxe with its head shaped like the flowing hair
of a dwarf warrior
S A suit of armor made from the discarded chitin of
giant arthropods
6 A pair of boots fashioned to look like the paws of a
large feline
7 A sword whose pommel is shaped in the form of a
hand, so that you shake the hand when you wield it
8 A hammer forged to resemble a giant's fist on one
side and a dragon's head on the other
9 A helmet shaped like the head of a hare, with tiny
diamonds for eyes
10 A bow carved with images of the phases of the moon
11 A dagger with a handle made of bone, etched with
worn and unreadable runes
12 A backpack made from the leather and fur of a skunk

When the battle is done, enemies and allies alike stare
in awe at the sight of your personal ritual of celebration.

dlO Celebration
1 A finely honed, well-choreographed dance
2 Ale! And then more ale!
3 Seizing a trophy from a vanquished foe
4 Composing a poem extolling your valiant combat
S Adding a commemorative square to your battle quilt
6 Adding a decorative stencil to your favorite weapon
or armor
7 Paying the town crier to proclaim your victory
8 Commissioning a painting of the battle
9 Praising surviving enemies for a job well done, no
hard feelings
10 There is no time to celebrate, for your war is eternal!

To the uninitiated, fighters are the simpletons of the ad-
venturing world, Railing away with their weapons while
taking repeated blows to the head. But those folk know
precious little about the specialties and subtleties of this
class. Many flavors of fighter exist in the world. and all
can fit into an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise in
their own way.


Those elves really know how to bring the hurt from a
distance, don't they? Fortunately for the arrow-slinging
world. they were willing to share their arcane archery
knowledge with friends, and now every Acq Inc fran-
chise can have its very own magical cannon! As an ar-
cane a rche r, you're inc redibly useful during those tense
discussions when someone needs to be able to whistle,
a nd then moments later, arrows appear out of nowhere
to stick out of the ground between the feet of the people
they're talking to. Roll that next check to negotiate with

As a battle master involved with an Acquisitions Incor-
porated franchise, you understand that your maneuvers
might not do as much damage as the focused attacks
of a less subtle fighter. But the needs of a franchise of-
ten call for subtlety and precision over simply busting
heads. Add in your knowledge of the more cerebral as-
pects of combat, including all-important insight into the
strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. and it's clear
why you make a great addition to any franchise.

An Acquis itions Incorporated franchise is a heady mix
of adventuring and business. and both those pursuits re-
quire travel. Who better to lead a long road journey than
an experienced cavalier with a reliable mount? As a cav-
alier, you're one of the best warriors around for protect-
ing less hardy allies, even off your mount, making you a
mobile fighter, a team player. and a valiant protector.

Accepting the wisdom of the old adage "Somecimes less
is more" is an excellent way to go broke. Because less is
less, obviously. just look at the balance sheet. But there's
one exception to that nonrule that can make a big dif-
ference in the successful operation of a franchise- the
focused, no-frills approach to combat of the champion
fighter. As a champion, you quickly maste r your role
within your franchise, because that role is simple. Lift
heavy things. Stand in front of monste rs. Hit them till
they drop.

Fighter? Wizard? Why not both?! If a franchise's re-
cruiting efforts result in a party lacking either fighting
or magical ability- or, Tymora forbid, both- you make a
great addition to the team as an eldritch knight. Your fo-
cus on abjuration a nd evocation ensures that your fight-
ing style is supported by magic that can either defend
allies or deal massive damage to your foes. And if your
franchise operation runs true to form, you'll have plenty
of opportunity for both.

Even if samurai are rare in the lands where Acquisi-
tions Incorporated offers franchise opportunities, their
fighting spirit makes them invaluable additions to any
franchise- especially if that spirit encompasses the fight
for profits. As a samurai, your impressive combat skills
are matched by your social grace and wisdom, providing
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