Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1
a boon to your franchise's standing in the community.
Any franchise could do worse than having you as its
public face- especially when your sense of quiet resolve
is needed to quietly resolve some unexpected busi-
ness disaster.


Some call the unseen energy flowing through all things "ki. ··
I call it the invisible hand of the marketplace. Now let's ne-
gotiate your surrender.

Ki is a magical energy that fills the space between all
th ings in the multiverse. Monks tap into that energy
through spiritual and martial training, meditation.
and contemplation. And punching and kicking. And
more punching and kicking. And maybe a head-butt for
good measure.
Monks in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign
find a way to integrate a typical ascetic life with the
grandeur, majesty, and over-the-top business focus of
their franchise. History (real and fantasy) has shown
that monasteries don't always shy away from engaging
in profitable enterprises. As such, your Acquisitions
Incorporated monk likely brings their old monastery's
entrepreneurial spirit with them- along with new ideas
to energize that spirit even more.

T"'E Bus•NESs OF APPL 1eo Ki


I n my experience, hirin a k.

of peaceful arbitrat1·0 .g hmonl skilled in the art

d eruse r the rathe n is. t eon ~ way to attempt to

r concussive meth d r

employed by manv Ac... o s or negotiation

rranc r h ' isees A d .; ·r. qu1sit1ons Inc orporate d

. n J it comes to it k.

ensure that the co. 'a mon will at least

ncuss1ons are fairly distributed.

-Rosie Beestinger

Part of your martial training as a monk sees you adopt-
ing a variety of stances during combat. These stances
help focus your mind, confuse your enemies, and relieve
that strain on your lower back.

d8 Stance
Incontinent Elder- Standing straight, knees together
(excellent for survi ving those long queues)
2 Addled Adder- Lying flat on the ground (perfect
when attempting to hide)
3 Ponderous Pudding- Collapsed in a heap (useful
when trying to disguise yourself as a drunken fool)
4 Frightened Gnome- Curled in the fetal position (ex·
cellent when about to take a lot of damage)
S Ambitious Student- Standing with one armed raised
(useful when trying to be seen)


Boisterous Brewmaster-Hand raised as if making a
toast (excellent at preventing being slapped)
Hardy Harpy-Arms flappi ng wildly while singing
(inspires people to leave you alone, and good for
cooling off on hot days)
8 Broken Bridge-Face down on the ground with knees
bent and posterior up (reduces visibility to foes in
front, and makes a useful ramp for allies to jump off)

The writings of famous monks of the past sometimes
become holy texts that come to define entire monastic
traditions. The monks of your monastery have dedicated
their training and their lives to the insight gleaned from
an ancient monastic tome.

dlO Tome
l 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9


Gambling with the Gods
Plowshares into Swords
The Poetry ofFlumphism
Monsters are People Too
Oracles of the Future
The Sociable Hermit
The Enigma of Air
The Compendium of Limitless Space
The Organic Sun and Moon Cookbook
Life is Endless Calamities, What Are You Going to Do
About /t?

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