Plenty of monasteries turn out business-minded monks.
After all. it's not money that's the root of all evil: it's the
love of money. So if you just like money- you know. as
a friend- then it's all good! Many Acq Inc franchises ac-
tively try to recruit monks into entr epreneurship. know-
ing of their reputation for versatility both in and out of
combat. lfyou hail from a particularly profitable monas-
tery, you won't need to be convinced of the benefits of a
w ell-run business- you'll already be on board.
dlO Monastery
Monastery of the Eternal Spirits (legendary distillers)
2 House of the Upright Arches (creators of quality
3 Dome of the Curious Quill (makers of parchment,
ink, and writing quills)
4 Crystal Bastion (makers of crystal goblets and
5 Monastery Actuary (underwriters of reasonably
priced insurance policies)
6 House of Hot Ki (delicious barbecue take-out)
7 Sage's Retreat (custom research services)
8 Monastery of the Wayward Grape (vintners of fine
9 Spider's House Retreat (drow trainers of giant spi-
ders as mounts and companions)
10 Hall of Mysteries (investigators for h ire)
The diversity of monk traditions makes those traditions
different from each other in abilities as well as in atti-
tude. And since an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise
runs mostly on attitude, it's important for the philosophy
of a monk's monastic tradition to mesh with the philoso-
phy of the franchise.
Monks following the Way of Shadow fill an important
role in an Acq Inc franchise: that of an infiltrator. As
a shadow monk, you're likely more adept than even a
rogue at moving around without being seen, slipping
into dangerous places unnoticed, and getting away with
no one the wiser as to what you've stolen. And it's a
safe bet that your fellow franchisees will quickly learn
to search the shadows before they say something they
don't want you to hear.
The most dangerous adventurer in the room is the one
that no one knows is an adventurer. As a monk who
follows the Way of the Drunken Master, you excel at
keeping your true threat level under wraps. Your ability
to literally spend days hanging out at the tavern and
never be noticed makes you a valuable addition to any
franchise that needs to keep its collective eyes and ears
on happenings in town. Plus. you're a guaranteed riot at
company parties!
.Most enemies who take on a monk expect to get a few
punches or kicks for their trouble. So when flames,
cold. and thunder come streaking toward them instead,
they'll never know what hit them. As a monk of the Way
of the Four Elements, you combine the striking power
of a typical monk with the versatility of a wizard. Espe-
cially in a franchise without a dedicated combat spell-
caster. your elemental affinity comes in handy.
Monks following the Way of the Kensei often appear
to care more about their weapons than they care about
the people around them. Because they do. As a monk
following that tradition. you make a perfect fit for a mar-
tial-focused franchise. Your skill with weapons makes
you an asset in combat, and your practical knowledge
makes t rading in arms a natural sideline. For you. battle
is business and business is always booming.
It's always nice to have someone in a franchise who
can slap an enemy so hard that they shrivel up and die
several days after the characters have left town and
arranged their alibis. As a monk following the Way of
the Open Hand. you know that others think of you as a
mysterious figure. You might sit by yourself for hours
on end, humming strangely. You might say weird things
that you expect others to treat as great wisdom. Frankly,
as long as your fellow franchisees can count on you to
break skulls when necessary, you can probably get away
with anything.
Many benevolent monks have a reputation for being all
punching and sunshine. As a Sun Soul monk. you epit-
omize this reputation. Except for the benevolent part.
Whenever a fight is in need of area-effect damage. your
fellow franchise members understand that you're their
best friend in the world. And if your reputation for ex-
ploding in anger (literally) makes for easier negotiations
with suppliers and business rivals, so much the better.
My companions did what!? The screams could be heard
from howfaraway!?
When many hear "paladin," they can't help but envision
a knight in shining armor, helping innocent people in
distress and living a life of utmost virtue and chastity.
Yawn. In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, at least
some small part of a paladin's dedication is focused on
the code of business. Morals and ethics are all good. But
an Acq Inc paladin knows that nothing puts food on the
plates of the poor and roofs over the heads of the dispos-
sessed better than cold. hard cash.
And virtue and chastity are more guidelines than
rules anyway. Right?
Stand up as straight as possible. Being a
mostly about posture, and most people don t realize
that. Evil drow sl ouch, but in this house, we are
turgid to the point of discoml'ort!. ,
-Donaar Slit zen