Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

The oath that you take (or break) as a paladin defines
your character as a center of moral authority in the
world. And that works just fine in an Acquisitions Incor-
porated campaign, albeit with a few minor adjustments.

Most paladins who take the Oath of Conquest consider
martial subjugation the ultimate form of defeat for an
enemy. You have a wider view, though, and are able
to embrace monetary or business-related conquest as
equally fulfilling activities. Ts a business rival really all
that different from a rampaging dragon? Both are dan-
gerous and antisocial, and both sit on a hoard of wealth
that could be yours i f you're brave enough to take it.

As a paladin devoted to the ideals of order and justice,
you're in a perfect position to guide your franchise to
great ends-even as you make an excellent foil for the
less-savory plans of your fellow franchisees. Your insis-
tence on dealing with business partners fairly, honoring
legally signed contracts, and promoting the general wel-
fare of the world helps you cement your franchise's repu-
tation as a group worth dealing with. It might just take a
little bit of convincing for your fellow party members to
see things your way.

The fury brought to bear by an Oath of Vengeance
paladin fits well into most Acquisitions Incorporated
campaigns. Those who break contracts, renege on
deals, fail to repay debts, or otherwise break their word
can expect a visit from you in your role as the executor

of vengeance. And if your fellow franchisees can make

a bit of profit by picking up the pieces when your job is
done, then everyone's happy.


All that is gold does not glitter. But frankly, if you've got the
choice, take the glittering gold every time. That nonshiny

stuff loses a ton of resale value.

Loving nature, exploring the wilderness, companioning
with animals: most people wouldn't view these things
as obvious assets for the rough-and-tumble business of
running an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. But
most people are wrong about everything. Few Acq Inc
franchises set their roots or undertake all their business
i n urban areas. As such. countless adventures will call a
franchise into the wilds. where a qualified ranger makes
the difference between forlorn failure and fabulous
success. Even when a franchise engages i n commerce
in the cities and tow ns of the real m, a ranger's keen
senses, sharp blades. and Resh-seeking arrows will
never find lack of use.

The notion of being a defender is core to your identity as
a ranger. As a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you


oth Rangers like to work alone • but it is c onvenient. w h en
ers are around to d raw the arrows to themselves.

- Morga:m

channel your natural proclivity for protectiveness into a
razor-sharp focus on the franchise. Pure profit is never
an end in and of itself, but whatever deep-seated per-
sonal goals you only ever talk about in the dead of night
over a dying fire, those goals need financing.
Your role as a defender and a controller of problems
makes you a natural leader for sure. Your sense of
selflessness and integrity can help shape and guide the
more unscrupulous business plans of your allies. Like-
wise, the other members of your franchise might panic

when that crate of figurines of wondrous power you ac-

quired turns out to all be self-activating obsidian steeds.
But you bave the steady nerves and earnest resolve to
revert and revise any pear-shaped plans.

The balance of nature is no less strong within civiliza-
tion than it is in the wilds, and the streets and sewers of
towns and cities are their own thriving ecosystem. As a
ranger w ho spends par t of your time in urban settings,
you quickly learn to seek out the companionship of some
of the many beasts that inhabit those settings.

dlO Beast
2 Pigeon
3 Skunk
4 Crow
5 Raccoon
6 Possum
7 Sn ake
8 Toad
9 Giant beetle
10 Lizard


Your instinctive ability to blend into the natural back-
ground has applications even outside the wilderness.
During business meetings with rivals or attempts to play
nice w ith the nobility, bei ng forbidden from carryi ng
weapons doesn't slow you down. Whether you channel
your enemies' impending destruction through mundane
equipment, thoughtful gifts, or a packed lunch. you and
your improvised weapons are always ready for action.

d6 Object (Improvised Weapon)
The roas ted drumstick of a h uge bird (g re atclub;
longsword if a shard of bone is b roken off)
2 A long loaf of stale bread (mace)
3 A musical instru m e nt missing all but one s t ring
(short bow)
4 A racket used in a popular sport (handaxe, battleaxe)
5 A metal-tipped c rutch (greatsword, spear)
6 A large bottle of wine (mace, shortsword if shattered)
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