When you cast a spell, you go all in, channeling that
magic through body and soul. Often, leftover magic from
a casting manifests as a residual effect that can build
up over repeated uses of your spel Is and can trips. Some
residual effects are subtle. Others are obvious to the
point of distraction. But any such effect might eventually
become a kind of spe!lcasting signature, ensuri ng that
everyone knows the tenor of your magic as well as they
know your name.
dlO Effect
A smell just slightly less noxious than troglodyte
musk wafts off you from time to time.
2 At random, your voice shifts three octaves higher or
lower than normal.
3 Your hair changes color for 1 hour. If you don't have
hair, you grow silver hair that las ts for l hour, then
falls out.
4 At random, your speech and movement suggest that
you are blind drunk.
5 Your eyes glow for 1 minute, cycling intermittently
through red, blue, and green.
6 Sometimes when you deal damage to a creature, a
disembodied voice near you shouts out, "Boo yah!"
7 Blood momentarily drips from your ears and eyes.
8 Your fingernails grow out to gnarled ta lons. This
new growth falls off after^10 minutes or if you touch
9 Intermittently, any somatic components for spells
you cast take the form of violent coughing.
10 For 1 minute, you are 6 inches shorter or taller than
Each sorcerer draws their power from different sources,
based on their lineage or their connection to the m ulti -
verse. Your own lineage defines much about your place
in the world and your approach to magic, and can help
you establish your connection to your Acquisitions In-
corporated franchise.
As a divine soul, you have a special place in your fran-
chise.just as with the child of a wealthy business owner
or an heir to a noble throne, your lineage and breeding
demand respect, and it's your job to make sure your
franchise mates understand that. Your success is or-
dained by t he gods themselves, and you embrace that
destiny by mastering the ways of busi ness and adventur-
ing, becoming the best you can be.
You know those people who seem to just automatically
succeed at everything they do, tearing through life like it
might be cheap parchment? Of course you do-because
you are one. As the scion of mighty dragons. you are the
master of everything you set your mind to. Adventuring,
espionage. taking credit for your franchise·s success-
you do it all. And if you ever find yourself out of your
depth. you're quick to establish that you·re not actually
out of your depth at all. You've totally got this!
As a shadow sorcerer, your mysterious connection to the
Shadowfell makes you a master of social encounters.
The sinister laugh, the glowing eyes nothing makes a
clutch negotiation session go quicker. And when negoti-
ations reach an impasse. your connection to the shadow
world makes you a valuable t0ol for spying, infiltration.
security. and. of course, killing.
Harnessing the energy of wind and lightning makes you
great fun in combat. But as a storm sorcerer, you have
even greater utility when your franchise travels overland
or across water for business, as you shield allies and
important cargo from inclement or dangerous weather.
And sure, those allies harp sometimes about your oc-
casional bouts of rage and your proclivity for blowing
things up first and asking questions later. But you take
it all in stride. because it's not like you have a temper
or anything.
In business, an element of unpredictability is the best
means of keeping your franchise one step ahead of the
competition- and nobody brings unpredictability like
you do. Business plans and long-term strategies are all
good, and kudos to your teammates for all their hard
work on that stuff. But when a plan needs subtle refine-
ment based on unexpected developments in the market-
place. you·re the one who'll thoughtfully tear that plan
up. burn it to ash. and just wing it.
WARLOCK don't understand. My magic exists outside of any
known reality. I wield the power of an entity that dwells be-
yond space and time. Clear!)!, none of the profits created by
that magic are taxable in this realm.
A warlock can be an authoritative as!>et to an Acquisi-
tions Incorporated franchise, as their known association
with powerful otherworldly forces makes for a great
starting point in tough business negotiations. Like-
wise, a warlock·s pact is the definitive binding contract,
providing a unique insight into matters of debt and
The only thing you need to watch out for is making
sure your work-life balance is in order. You want to be
seen by your staff as the suave, fashionable master of
your franchise's occult services. not the creepy weirdo
with the glowing eyes always chuckling maniacally to
yourself. As convenient as it might seem. remember that
interns are not automatically potential sacrifices. Always
check the individual contract first.