Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1
and suffering you could put those followers through
before they abandoned you. The world of Acquisitions
Incorporated returns these hired helpers to prominence
for their importance to the campaign story. And, of
course, for comic effect.
When the characters are relatively low level, an Acqui-
sitions Incorporated style of play can present them with
even more hurdles to overcome. The often bizarre, un-
feeling, and surreal elements of corporate and business
life can add a degree of danger or absurdity to even the
most run-of-the-mill adventuring. And as the characters
attain higher levels-and their franchise attains higher
rank-their connections to Acquisitions Incorporated
can help dial up the stakes of any adventure path. In an
Acq Inc campaign, every NPC is a potential customer.
Every bit of treasure found is an investment in the fran-
chise and its future. Every other would-be hero is the
competition, and every villain is the head of Evil Incor-
porated, just begging for some market volatility.
Money, as they say, makes the world go around. And
as is true in real life, so it goes in the fantasy realm. The
far-reaching power of global corporations allied with po-
litical power doesn't just inform our own real world-it
molds it. Bringing that concept of powerful corporations
working with or against nobility to gain money, power,
and influence into D&D adds another layer of depth to
the story your campaigns create.

An Acquis itions Incorporated campaign has a unique
texture, because it combines deeply ordinary clerical
toil with multiverse-spanning stakes. And in the end,
you never know which one of those tropes might save
your life.
Acquisitions Incorporated is high fantasy by way of
office comedy. Imagine the Fellowship of the Ring in-
sisting they only trekked from nine to five. Think about
Conan barbarously assailing his way up the corporate
ladder. Or perhaps King Arthur insisting that Excali-
bur's real magic lie in brand awareness, or Robin Hood
pivoting the Merry Men toward a pyramid scheme.
Starting your own Acquisitions Incorporated fran-
chise means stepping into a world of possibility. It opens
up countless adventure hooks, rules for building and
growing your own personalized base of operations, and
a way to introduce Acquisitions lncorporated's specific
sense of farcical corporate culture, questionable moral-
ity, and unfolding narrative to your own game.
Within the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, the
franchise is the center of brand expansion throughout
the world of Faerun and beyond, even as it provides a
new set of tools for player expression and involvement.
In a way, it provides players with a greater purpose to
explore. And although entirely nonnegotiable, franchise
fees are incredibly reasonable.

Our integrated Intern Success Path.

unparalleled system for reliabl wy is a robust,

whilernax· · · < egrowt^1 year-on-year

< nn1zrng your downstream.

-Omin Dran

Throughout history. some people have had things and
other people have wanted those th ings. But where most
would gaze upon that arrangement and see an inescap-
able life of unfulfillment, Ominifis Hereward "Om in"
Oran saw a business opportunity. Thus was Acquisi-
tions Incorporated born. In the years since, Om in and
longtime employee (though less-longtime friend) James
Winifred "Jim" Darkmagic llI have turned a ta lent for
redistribution of property into a reputation as the multi-
verse's premier adventurers for hire.
Omin Dran. CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated and
war priest of Tymora, is the very model of the modern
FaerOn business mien. He prioritizes his responsibili-
ties first to his shareholders (which is to say, himself);
second to his goddess; and then at some later stage to
the well-being of his employees. It's definitely not third.
But it's up there somewhere.
Jim Darkmagic III comes from a long line of renowned
wizards, but he turned his back on his family and his in-
heritance for a life on the stage-at least until well-paid
heroics came calling. Jim and Omin's unlikely partner-
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