Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1



  • No summoning circles in the ba~hroom.

  • No "tentacle talk" during mealtimes.

    • You must wear a gag at bedtime. That constant
      screaming. m akes it hard for everyone else to
      fall asleep. ~ h ·

  • Other party members' rations are or t e1r own
    consumption. , no t for sacrificing to dark. forces. I 1"

  • No more d ec I a11ng. .· "The sacrament. is compete.
    . t the conclusion of every meetmg.. c.
    a b t anytime outut.

  • The bloodstained ro es are no an.

• The i. llus1on. o f eyes on e very wall in k the 1. ff

headquarters was scary once. Now ·noc ( 1t o ·

tions Incorporated franchise. Gathering secret informa-
t ion from the operatives of rival organizations, a bit of
well-timed sabotage on some manufacturing equipment,
or intimidating contractors into turning their backs on a
rival are all regular business for an Acq Inc warlock.

Many folk think of the fey as mysterious sylvan creatures
that occasionally get up to harmless pranks. As a war-
lock of the Arch fey, you know better-and are perfectly
suited to lay the truth down whenever you can. You and
your magic e xemplify the duality of light and dark, and
your motivations are often as inscrutable as those of your
fey master. This can be an advantage when rivals are try-
ing to suss out your plans. But it can be frustrating when
allies start harping about, "What are you up to?", and
"Why won't you talk to us?", and "Why did you kill those
people?" Just tell them anything. It keeps them happy.

As a warlock of the Celestial, you meld the powerful
magic of your class with the heavenly attitude of the
Upper Planes. Your light-infused, radiant-based power
makes it easy to establish trust among franchise mates
and customers alike. That false sense of security then
comes in handy whenever it's necessary to remind people
that being good doesn't necessarily mean being lawful-
and that even being lawful leaves a lot of wiggle room.


When people speak of doing deals with the darkness,
you know just what they're talking about. As a warlock
of the Fiend, you have a ton of experience walking the
fine line between light and shadow. Or, you know, walk-
ing the shadow but being pretty sure the light is over
there somewhere. As such, you're the perfect person to
take point w hen your franchise needs to get down and
dirty to succeed.

Everybody's met that one mind-addled poet at the end of
the bar spouting all kinds of nonsense. But only you can
really appreciate the truth of what they're talking about.
As a warlock of the Great Old One, you harness the
powe r of unreality and madness for the benefit of your
franchise. You are known for consistently offering up
plans and advice that go outside the box. Way, way out-


side. And when your plans turn to profit, your franchise
partners are thankfully there to take care of all that bal-
ance-sheet-and-coffer practical stuff. You're more about
the big insane ideas. really.

As a warlock of the Hexblade, you dwell always within
the realm of the disturbing and the unknown. But wow,
is it worth it. Your ability to focus power through your
weapons makes you a perfect franchise enforcer. Your
aptitude for cursing, hexes, and dark magic makes you
a skilled negotiator. And your ability to create spectral
interns makes you a personnel manager's d ream.


Yes, I can getyou inside that vault. I can locate that secret
treasureyou·re all hyped up about. I can get you out with

no collateral damage. I'm fine if you care less about the "no

collateral damage" thing. Now lets get down to business.

The utility that a wizard brings to an Acquisitions In-
corporated operation is obvious to franchise members,
staff, clients, and rivals alike. Defensive spells, arcane
travel rituals, eldritch utility magic- a wizard does it
all. Plus, they'll blow th ings up when needed. And not
surprisingly, things in an Acq Inc campaign need to get
blown up a lot.
It's easy to make the case that arcane magic is the
most valuable component in any franchise business
plan or strategic road map. And as a wizard, you're the
premium vendor of advantageous arcane services. Just
make sure that staff and intern contracts have strong
language regarding the risk of friendly fire. But in the
small print, way down there at the bottom.

Though wizard encompasses a single class. the study of
arcane magic lends itself to a broad range of specializa-
tion. As such. it's not enough to simply dedicate yourself
to being the best wizard you can be. It's about figuring
out which wizardly path best addresses your franchise's
potential needs.
Enchanters and illusionists in the service of a fran-
chise can boggle the minds of enemies and allies.
Transmuters, conjurers, and necromancers ensure that
franchise members always have the right tool or mon-
ster for the job. Abjurers and diviners can help avoid cat-
astrophic events before they happen. And evokers and
war mages? No one needs to be reminded of the simple
yet devastating majesty of a fireball spell. Well, they
don't need to be reminded more than once.

Your use of magic is always clean and precise. Still, tap-
ping directly into the Weave to reshape reality or burn
it to the ground has an eventual effect on the mind, and
your sleep is often haunted by a recurring nightmare
whose indelible images you cannot shake.

No wizard will ever take offense to a polite round

of applause from the rest of the party after a

particularly well-crafted spell.

- Jim Darkmagic

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