some spell s lots before the rest of the party has been
made sufficiently invulnerable? Hey, that's what po-
tions are for.
The ability to make something from nothing is the great-
est business plan ever developed- and that plan has
your name all over it. As a conjurer, your utility to your
franchise knows no bounds, whether you're creating the
right tool for the job, summoning creatures for scouting
or guard duty, or using dimension door to s lip away from
a deal gone bad. The hard part of that last one is always
figuring out which of your franchise mates you'll bring
with you. Who's been particularly nice to you lately?
Seers and soothsayers abound in the world, but most
ply their trade only to take advantage of the credulous
and the desperate. You possess the true gift of the di-
viner, able to tap into the flow of time to read portents
of the future. Your divinations help negate the risks for
your franchise, whether in business deals or dangerous
treasure extractions. And sure, working on the credu-
lous and the desperate is sometimes part of the plan.
But when you do it, ifs done with professional flare.
Trust. Community outreach. Social awareness. These
things are important to every business, and as an en-
chanter, it's your job to ensure that your Acquisitions
Incorporated franchise is synonymous with these con-
cepts. Whether they're actually present in the franchise
or not. When it comes down to it, having friends is an
equally valuable asset in adventuring and business, and
being able to turn enemies, rivals, and angry mobs into
friends even for a short while can make a difference.
As an evoker, you understand the wisdom of the adage.
"Speak softly and carry a big wand." As a member
of Acquisitions Incorporated, you also know that the
speaking softly part is entirely optional, contractually
speaking. When your franchise needs firepower, you
bring the damage and spread it in flashy. dramatic fash-
ion. This works out great in the dungeon, and some-
times even at outdoor social events that don't feature
a lot of flammable buildings nearby. fn the boardroom
or the council chamber, your skills are likely in less
demand, but just knowing you're there can help keep
the noble or the business magnate across the table fully
engaged. Because as long as you are there, they know
they're safe from having you burning their holdings to
the ground.
Success in business, as in combat, can often hinge
on split-second decisions. As an illusionist, you have
mastered the art of confounding the senses, leaving
enemies, rivals, and customers uncertain as to what's
real and what isn't. Once you convince those around
you that they can't trust what they see or hear, that's a
perfect opportunity to give them your preferred version
of what's going on. Whether it's obscuring contracts,
concealing incursions, or manifesting imaginary staff
members to Lake the fall for your partners' misdeeds,
your magic helps put the best possible illusory face on
your franchise.
As a necromancer. you've always had an easy time mak-
ing friends. Hah! That's hilarious because your friends
are undead. But not everyone else in your franchise
sees the lighter side of your magical craft. Clearly, the
labor-to-paid-benefits ratio of undead interns can't be
beat, but you need to be cognizant of the potential pub-
lic-relations nightmare of franchise-branded zombies
running amok. Still, if things get bad, there's nothing
like a general marketing campaign reminding local
folk that necromancy means raise dead. Even if you
can't cast it.
As a transmuter, you practice one of the most subtle
forms of magic- the transfiguration of one material sub-
stance into another. But let's be honest, your role in your
franchise is going to be mostly about combat and ability
buffs, and, "Hey, why haven't you learned how to turn
lead into gold yet?" You take it in stride, though, because
you understand that the long game is entirely about you.
This franchise needs to be transformed from a chaotic
mishmash of dysfunctional personalities and clashing
goals into a well-tuned engine of commerce. And no one
does transformation quite like you do.
Success in business requires prudent caution and take-
charge offense in equal measure. As a war mage, your
focus on abjuration and evocation is thus a good fit for
success. Many war mages feel it their duty to waste their
lives (sometimes literally) on the battlefield. But you spe-
cialize in the more subtle conflicts of the marketplace,
where you can take your skills to a whole new level. You
cast spells under pressure, never blinking in the face of
death or financial ruin. And when it's necessary, you can
blow up an adversary like nobody's business.Just make
sure your franchise's collateral damage insurance is all
up to date.
New Race: Verdan
The verdan owe their existence to chaos. Descended
and transformed from a large clan of goblins and hob-
goblins, those who became the verdan were simply liv-
ing their lives, doing goblinoid things. But then passing
through the shadow of That-Which-Endures changed
them forever. Now the newest race to call Faerfin home,
the verdan do their best to find their way in an unfa-
miliar world.
.. into chaos punctua. t e d by brief.
Reality is a descent - e and so imagine
Oashes o f. or d. e1, whence I we h ai a os distant outlier.
it to be the norm rat 1e~ \dan ntropy back for a mere
That-Which-Endures e e d I'm sorry, was that
. instant. an .d the Verdan emerge.
the question..? -K'thriss Drow 'b