Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1


Without a cultural identity or memory of their own.
the verdan quickly adopted the cultural practices of
the a reas into which they migrated. Still, a sense of not
truly belonging is felt even by verdan who have been
welcomed into other cultures. They are often stricken
with wanderlust, keeping their possessions limited and
easily portable. It is not unusual to see individual verdan
or whole families trooping along the roads of the world
with their tents and belongings strapped to their backs.
Even when they are happily steeped in a culture, the
verdan remain on the lookout for oppression and c urtail-
ment of freedoms. They unde rstand the need for laws
that protect, but they rail against laws that restrict and
oppress-especially those designed to protect the power
and wealth of the elite. When Jiving among enlightened
folk, verdan are still the first to speak out against cul-
tural restraints on individuals, particularly those based
on physical characteristics such as gender, race, or

Verdan are hungry to undertake new challenges and
absorb new experiences. When they meet other verdan
who have traveled to different parts of the world, they
drop everything to spend as long as possible sharing
stories and observations from their respective travels.
However, their inexperience in the world and their racial
amnesia sometimes lends the verdan a kind of inno-
cence that works against them. Some a re c redulous and
easily fooled by hucksters, but most verdan have an in-
tuition bred by empathy that helps them eventually sort
out those who are sincere from those who are not.

The oldest verdan names spring from gobli noid t radi-
tions. but more recent names reflect the character of
the d ifferent cultures these folk have encountered s ince
coming out into the sunlight. When a group ofverdan
live near dwarves, they might take on more dwar-
ven-sounding names, only to change those names when
they wander into a human area. A verdan is also not hes-
itant to change their name as their physical appearance
changes-or, indeed, whe never the mood strikes them.
Verdan make no differe ntiation between male, female,
and family names, and often eschew fam ily names
Verdan Names: Bronn, Crahma, Dola r, Dreeda, Duglee,
Gruvald, Hulm,Jeal, Kato, Klesh, Kor m, Lathi, Ovlig,
Paracii. Pits, Praet, Promul, Reezni, Rin, Shylk, S lyra,
Soito, Stalsii, Stromvo, Stussa, Syrka rt, Takat, Toit,
Tubyna, Varr, Veriga, Wraq, Wural, Wur xee

When a verdan character gains an ability score improve-
ment a t certain levels, that increase can be t ied to a phys-
ical mutation at the player's determination. A boost to
Strength might be accompanied by a growth spurt and the
development of rippling muscle, while an i ncrease in Intel-
ligence might produce a stylishly large forehead.


Verdan characters have a number of traits in common
with others of their kind.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in-
creases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Verdan reach adulthood at around the age of 24,
and it is thought that they might live to nearly 200 years
old. However, because no verdan has died of old age
s ince the race's initial creation, their upper age limits
remain subject to speculation.
Alignment. Verdan a re generally good, although their
absence of racial identity and shared history can some-
times see individual verdan become untethered from
any moral or ethical framework.
Size. Yerdan start out similar in size to the goblins
they were created from, ranging from 3 to 4 feet in
height. But at some point after reaching maturity, each
verdan undergoes a sudden growth spurt of 2 feet or
more. At 1 st level, you are a Small creature. When you
reach 5th level, you become a Medium creature.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Black Blood Healing. The black blood that is a sign of
your people's connection to That-Which-Endures boosts
your natural healing. When you roll a 1 or 2 on any Hit
Die you spend at the end of a short rest, you can reroll
the die and must use the new roll.
Limited Telepathy. You can telepathically speak to
any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You
don't need to share a language with the creature for it to
understand your telepathy, but it must be able to under-
stand at least one language. This process of communi-
cation is s low and limited, allowing you to transmit and
receive only simple ideas and straightforward concepts.
Persuasive. Your people's Jack of history makes you
trustworthy and humble. You have proficiency in the
Persuasion skill.
Telepathic Insight. Your mind's connection to the
world around you strengthens your will. You have advan-
tage on all Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Languages. You speak, read, and write Common,
Goblin, and one additional l anguage of your choice. This
language typically has some connection to one of the
areas or cultures that has been part of your life.


Magic is power and power is profit- which makes
spellcasting just another part of the expansive business
model of Acquis itions Incor porated. Magical research
and development is a big part of day-to-day operations
at Head Office, whose spellcasting staff toil day in and
day out to come up with the very latest in eldritch im-
Many of their developments remain closely guarded
secrets, known only ro the company's highest-ranking
employees, and ready to be whipped out at a suitably
dramatic moment. But every once in a while, a unique
spell makes its way through the ranks of the company's

I don't do magic. I am magic..
-Jim Darkmagtc
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