3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: I minute
Range: 60 feel
Components : V
Duration: l hour
You address allies. staff, or innocent bystanders to ex-
hort and inspire them to greatness, whether they have
anything to get excited about or not. Choose up to five
c reatures within range that can hear you. For the dura-
tion, each affected c reature gains 5 te mporary hit points
and has advantage on Wisdom saving throws. If an
affected c reature is hit by an attack, it has advantage on
the next attack roll it makes. Once an affected creature
loses the temporary hit points granted by this spell, the
spell ends for that creature.
At Higher Le vels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the temporary hit points
increase by^5 for each slot level above 3rd.
Other books detail the many power groups and factions
that operate in FaerOn and the Sword Coast (including
the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide). But a number of
new factions and entrepreneurial enterprises are central
to an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign-starting
with the group that an Acquisitions Incorporated cam-
paign is actually named after.
Sometimes a group of heroes comes together in a way
that changes the paradigm forever. A group so magnif-
icent, so powerful, so larcenous, that adventuring has
never been the same s ince. For
years now, that group has been Ac-
quisitions Incorporated.
The brainchild of company
founder Ominifis Hereward Dran,
Acq Inc has cons istently maintained
a position at the bleeding edge of
adventuring technology, processes,
and marketing. The staff of Acqui-
sitions Incorporated. including the
company's highly varied roster of
inexpensive interns. engage in all
aspects of adventuring. Salvage, infiltration, legally
sanctioned life shortening, property redistribution, pro-
tection, removing protection, me rc handising-Acq Inc
does it all.
As Acquisitions Incorporated has grown, so too have
the opportunities provided by that organization to
neophyte adventurers looking for an advantage in the
rough-and-tumble world of professional dungeoneering.
From its humble beginnings in the basement of the
Silver Unicorn Inn in Fallcrest, Acq Inc has become
the only place to intern. boasting franchise opportu-
nities that can propel struggling adventurers into the
big leagues.
At Acqu1s1t1ons... I ncorpora t e d '. you inquire-and we
acqu11e .. "'. For more than a decade. other , people have
had things you've really wanted, a1~~ we ve ~o~e
over there to get those things eve~ ii they d1dn ~ want
us to do that. i:vpically, t?ey do~ .. t. ~~t we do~ .t d
work for them. we work for you. ~eve acqu11~ d
it all, but we specialize in staffs. gems, and stone
weapons of great^1. ineage .. \u ve do applv • a reasonable
surtax for rods. because rods. It's been a pro?lem.
This is Acq lnc in a nutshell: [~elenses_11egot1able.
JV\.erchandisc plentiful. Franchises available ..
-Omin Oran
Dran Enter prises is the biggest rival of Acquisitions In-
corporated- and has the strongest possible connection
to that august organization. Founded
by a false version of Auspicia Dran
(Omin Dran's sister. claimed by the
creature known as the Wandering
Crypt), Dran Enterprises has a
well-established goal of wanting to
take over Acquis itions Incorporated
at any cost. even as the organization
profits from the endeavors of Acq Inc
employees and associates. Dran En-
terprises' strategy for accomplishing
this goal is built around providing adventuring services
even more ruthlessly and efficiently than Acq Inc. Hos-
tile takeovers, brutal rounds of downsizing, cor porate
espionage, and highly unethical be havior are just the
most obvious of the company's many tools.
With the death of the false Auspicia, Dran Enterprises
was taken over by Omin's other sister, Portentia. who
had operated in the shadows of the organization for
some time beforehand. Certain personal secrets no
doubt drive Portcntia's single-minded focus for Dran
Enterprises, but those have yet to be re vealed. (To most
people, at least. DMs can check out appendix A for more
information.) In the meantime, the organization focuses
on besting Acquisitions Incorporated at its own game
while growing ever more powerful and eventually
reaching the point where a corporate takeover of Acq
lnc can no longer be thwarted.
They_ say acquisition is a family business, and it's
certainly true for those of my house^ I h d ,
m · A • · a n t seen
y sister, uspicia Dran, for years. Decades. /'
A d th r · · m act
b n. en out o no.where, she returns with fresh.
ran~mg and_d_c~p1cably evil backing, trying to
acquire Acqu1s1t1ons Incorporated Be'. d
ourse I ves rs. definitely not on br·'nd · d mg I h acquire
d 6. u ,an ave
e n1tely ref used this offer. But I would like to know
what the dental plans are like at Dr E.
r, I l an nterpnscs
or a comp etc .V separate and unrelated reason. •
-Omin Oran