Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1

Members of the Noble Knife are said .. to b: abl~ to.
carve their symbol into surfac~s ~nd pry reality in
such a ... vay that they can hide in it or.escape ttrough
it. Though that seems pretty sus~ect if you a~
me They often work in pairs, with an assassin.or.
ob~erve~ paired with a "tame mimic." T~ose m:m1cs
can take any object shape, as is normal fo.r the'.r
abnormal kind, but are also able to transform mto
strange dogs that say "woof." Not that they bark.
They say "woof" like a person wo~ld. Unless you
were a member of the faction, you d almo~t never ~ee

two teams. in the same place at the same. time-un ess

they had been given opposite tasks l~r some reason.

l f ;hat's the case, get out of there quick, because

whatever happens next isn't going to be plea~ant.
-Om1n Oran


The Noble Knife is a somewhat mysterious organization
known for its high level of engagement with the cultures
and societies within which its members work. Having
made such engagements, the loyal-
ists of the Noble Knife are watchful
for signs of leaders and power bro-
kers making the first transition to
tyranny- at which point, those newly
minted tyrants are quickly assassi-
nated for the greater good. The orga-
nization doesn't "take jobs" as such.
Rather, its leadership assesses the
moral and political landscape of the
realm and selects targets thusly.
The Noble Knife is named for its
members' weapon of choice for their
trademark deed. Similar to an arrow

of slaying, a noble knife is a weapon whose magic is

focused on killing a specific individual. The crafting of a
noble knife is undertaken by a collective of artisans, and
requires a range of exotic materials and components.
Additionally, the act of creation takes twenty or more
years off the lead artisan's life. It goes without saying
that the Noble Knife is chock full of true believers.

In a world driven by gold, magic, and power, organiza-
tions that fly in the face of all three of those things are
hard to understand. Doing good and seeking justice
is all well and fine. But if there's no money changing
hands. how do you measure the
value of the work?
The Silver Sliver exemplifies
what goes wrong when good
people fail to grasp the com-
plexities of the world. They
go around wearing masks,
acting all heroically willy-nilly,
righting wrongs and defending
the weak ... for no profit what-
soever! That brand of zealotry


!hel~ix. are a ne\v player on the scene, which to me
~mp ies •n~~~erience. Do you want to entrust.your ,
ex~ acqu1s1t1on to an agile new team? Actual!

don t ~~~wer that. They have some kind of beef :.Vi th

Acqu1s1tions h h Incorporated. I k now t h at b

t ey' and out pamphlets with my face on them d

theres one of those circles with the slash throu, ;~I.

Seem,s ~ad. Also, there's something about their~o o
I ~.on t !•ke ... ~ut I can't put my finger on it. Peo 1e
a1 e saying ~hey re weird and gross, and who am ft
~~bw~ o

-Omin Oran

is dangerous, because you can't trust anyone who won't
sometimes do a dishonest day's work for an honest
day's wage.

Any successful adventuring party makes enemies along
the way. Defeated foes. unhappy or jealous allies, disil-
lusioned associates or hirelings- it's
a long list. And a group as storied
and reckless as Acquisitions In-
corporated was always destined to
break more than a few eggs while
making their delicious brand of ad-
venturing omelet.
The Six is a group of just such
enemies-characters who were left
hurt, underappreciated. or even
dead in the wake of Acq Inc's mag-
nificent achievements. Whether the
Six are really six, or fewer, or more,
remains to be seen. The organization's primary public
goal appears to be revenge in the form of the downfall
of Om in Oran and Acquisitions Incorporated, but who
or what is truly behind the group- and what other sin-
ister vendettas they might cling to-remains a mystery.
Still, there's a good chance it's got something to do
with destroying the world by unleashing the power of
the Far Realm. (Sorry; "Spoilers!")

I feel like making your company's name a tongue
twister.. 1s a bold move in this marketplace.. I

Id 't have done that. I've told the S1^1 ver

wou n · ·1 bl
Sliver on multiple occasions that Im ava1 a e
for consulting on things like this. No response,
thou h. The organization is said to be headed up

bv s!neone named Glimmr Vio!ent~: a. woman

d.evoted to not just the cause of 1ust1ce. in ~he

abstract, but the literal application ?f Justice

via. a sc1m1. 't ar. Her band oft rue believers , do
the whole shiny mask thing and don t c~arge

For their services ... which is anorher thing 1

wouldn't do.
-Omin Dran
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