Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Step 6: Invest Experience Points


xperience is the primary means by which players
customize their characters. Each player starts with a
beginning pool of experience points that can be used
to improve aspects of his character. Players also re-
ceive additional experience as they play EDGE OF THE
EMPIRE, which can be spent to improve their characters.


Characters begin with a budget of experience points
based on their species. The experience points used
during character creation are the same as experience
points received during play. If a player chooses to
spend fewer experience points during character cre-
ation than his budget, those points carry over into the
game and the Player Character starts with more ex-
perience points to spend once his adventures begin.

Players may spend experience points in the following
primary ways to improve their characters. These are also
detailed on Table 2-4: Spending Starting Experience



emember, a player can always increase his
character's starting experience by taking
on additional Obligation as described under
Starting Obligation on page 40.


During character creation, raising a characteristic to the
next highest rating costs ten times the value it is being
raised to. For example, raising a character's Brawn from
3 to 4 would require 40 experience points.


Each improvement must be purchased separately.
This means that raising a character's Brawn from 3 to
5 would cost 90 experience points (40 for raising it
from 3 to 4, then 50 more for raising it from 4 to 5).
During character creation, no characteristic can be
increased higher than 5. During the course of play, no
characteristic can be increased higher than 6. Char-
acteristics may only be purchased with experience
points during character creation, not at any later time
(During gameplay, characteristics can be increased by
purchasing specific talents, however).


Each skill has five ranks of training available. A char-
acter may have already acquired several ranks of skill
training from his starting career and profession for
free. Characters may train additional skills and gain
additional ranks during character creation. However,
it is important to note that, regardless of any species
or career bonuses, no skill can be raised higher than
rank 2 during character creation.
The cost for training skills falls into one of two cat-
egories—career skills and non-career skills. The char-
acter should have check marks next to a number of
skills based on his starting career and profession.
Training a career skill to the next highest rank costs
five times the rank it is being raised to. For example,
training a career skill from rank 0 (untrained) to rank 1
requires 5 experience points. Improving a rank 1 career
skill to rank 2 requires 10 experience points. Each rank
must be purchased separately. This means that acquir-
ing a rank 2 career skill during creation costs 15 experi-
ence points (5 for raising it from zero to rank 1, then 10
more for raising it from rank 1 to rank 2).

Options Cost Character Creation Limits
May spend experience to increase
characteristics. This is the only time
characters can increase characteristics
with experience points.

Ten times the purchased rating in experience.
Each rating must be purchased sequentially.

May not purchase any
characteristic above 5 during
character creation.

May spend experience to purchase
ranks in skills.

Five times the purchased rank in experience.
Each rank must be purchased sequentially. (Each
rank in a non-Career skill costs 5 additional XP)

May not purchase any skill above
2 during character creation.

May spend experience to purchase
talents within specializations.

Depends on talent's position within
specialization tree.

No special limits, only standard
limits apply.

May spend experience to purchase
new specializations.

Ten times the number of purchased
specializations including new specialization (non-
Career specialization costs 10 additional XP).

No special limits, only standard
limits apply.

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