Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
dlOO Result
01-10 Placeor ship. The of Origin: character The character strives to better the is deeply prideful of place of origin and its people and will defend it with his where he grew up. This could be a specific planet, town, life. space station,

11-20 Pet: The character is close with a pet or animal companion of some sort, a relatively small non-combatant.
21-30 Childhoodthe character Friend: desires The only the best for his companion character maintains ties with a friend from his childhood. Although the two may be a galaxy apart,

31-40 militaryComrades: buddies, or The character business shows associates. loyalty to those he serves alongside. This could be either the current group of PCs, former

41-50 Sibling/Siblings:unlikely to be combatants and this Motivation may or may not fall in line with a The character has one or more siblings with whom he maintains character's close contact. The sibling or siblings are Relationship Obligation.

51-60 knowledge, and wisdom to him in hisMentor: The character is particularly early close years. to a mentor, professor, teacher or other figure that provided support,

61-70 Parents:may not be a healthy or supportive situation. The character has close ties with his parents (or a single parent) and seeks their constant approval. This may or

71-80 comfort and approval despite theExtended Family/Clan: The character many has a large extended family, clan, or tribe that he deeply loves. He voices clamoring in his ear for attention seeks both their

81-90 ship's astromech droid, or his trusty protocol droid.Droid Companion: The character possesses a fondness for a particular droid. This may include a PC droid. This could be a former family servant, his

91-00 Formerthem, the two could still be extremely competitive. Nemesis: The character formed a close bond with a former nemesis or rival. Although things are patched between


Where the Ambition Motivation deals with an internal
drive, the Cause Motivation is typically an external group
or concept on which the character focuses. The Motiva-
tion is something so important that the character is will-
ing to takes risks or operate outside his comfort zone.
Although this Motivation focuses on the needs of others,
belief in a cause need not be altruistic by nature or for
the common good—the cause could support some te-
nets that are dangerous or harmful to others, in fact.


This Motivation focuses on a character's rela-
tionship with a specific person, creature, or even
place. The relationship could be loving, respectful,
and nurturing or antagonistic, competitive, or one-
sided. The character looks out for the subject's
best interests and will set aside his own needs to
help when needed. This Motivation could be deep-
ly personal or highly public.


Players should use a character's Motivation
as a simple guide for how he interacts with
the world. A character with the Ambition
(Greed) Motivation views things in a far
different manner than someone with
the Relationship (Comrades) Motiva-
tion, for instance. Each Motivation
is just that, however—a guide, not a
restriction—and different situations
may call for different actions. Not
every deed a character performs

needs to be driven by his Motivation, but he should
attempt to do so generally.


If a player finds himself at a loss as to what his charac-
ter should do in a given situation, the GM can look up
his Motivation and provide incentive for him to act by
providing "bait" that's appropriate to the Motivation. For
example, a character with the Ambition (Power) Motiva-
tion might be presented with an opportunity to usurp
some authority for himself in some small way; someone
with the Cause (The Weak/Charity) Motivation could
stumble across some helpless NPC that he
feels inspired to help.
The GM may determine that
the character's Motivation would
push him to succeed in certain
situations and reward the play-
er with beneficial bonuses for
taking certaijkactions that are

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