Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


layers can receive rewards for staying true to
their Motivation, just as they can with good
roleplaying. These rewards are ultimately up the
CM, and generally come in the form of additional
experience points. More on this can be found in
Chapter IX: The Game Master, on page 311.

in character with his Motivation. However, these aspects of
Motivation are covered in more detail in the Chapter IX:
The Game Master on page 311.


Just as in real life, a character's Motivation may
change over time. Something could happen to the ob-
ject of the character's Motivation, such as the death
of a teacher in the case of the Relationship (Mentor)
Motivation or the destruction of the character's home
planet for the Cause (Local Politics) Motivation.
In these instances, the player should decide if his
character sticks to his original Motivation (possibly out
of loyalty, the need for revenge, or the desire to continue
with the subject's legacy) or if he changes his Motivation
entirely. The player should not determine a new Motiva-
tion randomly and instead should work with the CM to
come up with the character's new Motivation. Even over
the course of a long-running campaign, changing a char-
acter's Motivation should be a rare event.
If the character changes his Motivation during a cam-
paign, he should not receive any bonus experience points
for his previous Motivation and should be required to
demonstrate his commitment to his new Motivation.

Once all the players have determined their charac-
ter's Motivations, the GM should note them and keep
them handy as a reference as the campaign progresses.
However, a player does not have to tell the other play-
ers his character's Motivation. Some of the Motivations
listed above might come with some inherent dangers,
social damage, or chance of corruption that might run
counter to the party's overall goals. This is intentional,
as sometimes keeping a character's Motivation secret
might make things hard for the group, but is excellent
for creating tension and good roleplaying.

If a character chooses to keep his Motivation secret
he can, with the GM's permission, roll a second time
to provide the character's "false front." The player
should be encouraged to give the appearance of act-
ing on behalf of the false Motivation, while actually
furthering the goals of the original.


Jim rolls on the tables and comes up with the re-
sult of Cause (Support the Empire) for his Politico
character. Obviously, many of the other charac-
ters in the group would find this Motivation dis-
tasteful or even dangerous. The GM allows Jim to
roll a second time, coming up with the Relation-
ship (Sibling/Siblings) result. Outwardly, Jim's
character should appear motivated to assist one
or more of his siblings. However, in truth, the
character wants to support the Empire. He could
use his false Motivation as a cover, taking "visits
to see his family" as a way to get away from pry-
ing eyes and doing something that furthers the
goals of the Empire.

Step 9: Gear and Appearance

At this stage, the players have taken care of most
Hof the mechanical details of their characters. Now
each player has the chance to consider additional de-
tails that help define his character. These details tend
to have a greater narrative impact on how the char-
acters operate and add richness and depth to their
existence. This means, however, that players are able
(and even encouraged) to be as creative as they like
when inventing the description of their character.


Player Characters in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE receive a bud-
get of credits to spend on starting gear before game-
play begins. This budget is 500 credits, although it
can be increased by undertaking additional Obliga-



emember, a player can always increase his
character's starting credits by taking on ad-
ditional Obligation as described under Start-
ing Obligation on page 40.

tion (see page 40). Before their characters begin
the game, players may spend these credits to pur-
chase items from Chapter V for their character. They
may not purchase Restricted (R) items unless specifi-
cally given dispensation by their GM.

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