Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Characters keep any unspent credits when they
start the game. In addition, once the player has fin-
ished spending his starting credits, he rolls 1 d 100. His
character gains this many additional credits as "pocket
money" at the beginning of the game. This additional
money may not be spent during character creation.

Characters do not start the game with any items
save what they purchase with their starting credits or
any miscellaneous sundries they feel are appropriate
for their character (see page 180).


The appearance of characters in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE
can vary wildly. Player Characters may stem from a
variety of alien species, and even amongst an indi-
vidual species, different characters may be wildly

When determining their characters' physical ap-
pearance, players should start by reviewing the infor-
mation presented about the species they chose. The
physiological aspects of Gand, for example, are ex-
tremely different from those of a Wookiee. Likewise, if
a player has taken the role of a Droid, he may have no
particular restrictions on how he looks at all.
With his character's species' traits in mind, a player
can then consider what physical details he wants to
embellish. The following is a list that, while not ap-
plicable for all species, is intended to give a broad
overview of what the player should consider.

  • Height, weight, and build: A character's physi-
    cal build is primarily determined by his species;
    humans tend to range between 1.5 to 2 meters
    tall, while Wookiees are often far taller (2.2 meters
    on average). However, even within the norms of a
    species, there is a great deal of variation. Players
    should endeavor to keep their characters' builds
    within reasonable limits, of course—a 5 meter tall
    Twi'lek would be absurd enough to fall outside
    the realms of believability. But within those limits,
    players are free to choose whether their characters
    appear thin, fat, muscular, tall, short, or any com-
    bination thereof. If players like, they can also tailor
    their physical appearances to match their physical
    characteristics, Agility and Brawn.

  • Hair and eye color: Not all species in the galaxy
    have hair, or even eyes (or at least eyes that are
    recognized as such). Sometimes this even varies
    amongst species. Rodian males, for example, do
    not have hair, but Rodian females do. However,
    amongst those species who do have variations in
    eye and hair color, almost infinite variations are
    possible. Humans, in particular, tend to sport al-
    most any hair or eye color imaginable, whether
    due to the vagaries of their home world or even
    artificial modifications.

  • Skin, scale, or fur color: Some of the species in
    EDGE OF THE EMPIRE tend to have fairly consistent
    coloration. Wookiees tend to be brown or black,
    Trandoshan scales are typically brownish-green in
    varying shades, and Rodians are almost always
    green. Other species have wider fluctuations.
    Twi'lek skin colors fluctuate from albino white to
    green, blue, and even yellow, and Humans can be
    found in almost as wide a variety of hues.

  • Scars, tattoos, and other identifying marks:
    This is where players can get especially creative,
    as such marks are not bound by a species' norms.
    Players should consider coming up with stories
    for the origins of these brands, or work them into
    an existing backstory.


A character's personality is another place where play-
ers can really get creative. Traits, quirks, habits, likes
and dislikes—players can be as thorough or as con-
cise as they wish.
One good starting point for developing a personal-
ity is to look at the character's Motivations and Ob-
ligation. They could even be the inspiration to create
someone with a completely different personality. An
honorable, honest person torn because of his Obliga-
tions to criminal enterprise is a classic trope.
Alternatively, another good way to develop a per-
sonality for a character is to let it evolve over time.
Sometimes the best character personalities develop
over the course of the game, based on the decisions
the player makes most naturally. Don't be afraid to
leave a character with room to grow.

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