Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

come of a character's Coercion attempt. Extra <§> may
be spent by the CM to represent a building resentment
to the Coercing character. Regardless of the success or
failure of the Coercion attempt, the subject may grow to
despise the character as a result of being strong-armed.
^, on the other hand, may be spent to represent the
character slipping up and revealing something about
his goals and motivations to the target. For instance, a
character attempting to coerce a target to give up
security codes for a Hutt shipping lane may let
slip information concerning the cargo he is at-
tempting to smuggle through Hutt space.

The difficulty for a Computers check is calculated
based upon any defenses present within the system
and the inherent sophistication of the system against
intrusion. Slicing into a tapcafe's systems to alter a
transaction might be trivially easy, while a military
outpost could be hardened and prepared for a slicer's
assault. In general, the more vital the materials pro-
tected, by the system, the more difficult the system
••^mMW%*. IP should be to overcome.


The galaxy could scarcely function with-
out the constant assistance of comput-
ers. Devices everywhere are linked to-
gether and coordinated by computers
and droid brains. Those talented with
computers can sometimes exploit
these resources, or they might know
how best to avoid those systems un- \
der computer control. Many people
are so unconsciously dependent
upon computers that those who can
cleverly manipulate them may com-.
mit crimes without their victims even
being aware of the offenses. Even us-
ing the HoloNet for communications
or entertainment requires the use of
computers—particularly if there are
forces interfering with the system. This skill
also governs the repair of a damaged com-
puter system, defensive actions against an intruding
slicer, and routine maintenance necessary to keep the
software on a computer or droid running effectively.

  • Attempts to open a locked door, control an eleva-
    tor, or bypass a security system make use of the
    Computers skill.

  • Searching through a subject's records, particu-
    larly if those notes are encrypted, makes use of
    Computers to overcome any security measures
    and interpret the material's organizational struc-
    ture and any external links.

  • Investigating what actions a slicer might have tak-
    en against a computer system requires the Com-
    puters skill to identify the files that have been ac-
    cessed or altered.

  • Efforts to alter a droid's programming or gain ac-
    cess to its memories require the acting character
    to make a Computers check.

  • Characters must make a Computers check to re-
    cover data from a system that has suffered physi-
    cal damage.

Additional & may
be spent to reduce the
time required for the action under-
taken. This is generally representa-
tive of the character's extensive familiarity with sys-
tems of the type targeted.
O may be spent to uncover additional information
about the system. The character might discover ad-
ditional assets that could be targeted, the owner's per-
sonal journal entries, or the presence of well-concealed
defenses. Once the presence of such systems is discov-
ered, a character may attempt to gain access to them
with further Computers checks. A ($) may be spent to ob-
fuscate any actions the character may have taken while
slicing the system. Each may be spent to add # to
the check if another slicer should attempt to detect or
identify the character's actions with a Computers check.

The CM may spend <§> generated on a character's
Computers check to represent the character doing
a poor job of concealing his presence in the system.
Security systems are alerted to the presence of the
character within the system, while other slicers at-
tempting to discover evidence of the character's ac-
tions may add • to their check for each <§> generated
by the character's initial Computers check.

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