Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

  • If a character wishes to sell goods or services, the
    final price is determined by a Negotiation check.

  • When two individuals create an agreement or
    treaty, they may make an opposed or competi-
    tive Negotiation check. The winner gains the bet-
    ter end of the resulting agreement.
    Negotiation is usually an opposed check, using the
    target's Cool or Negotiation. Situational modifiers may
    also apply based upon any past relationship between
    the characters involved and the overall desirability of the
    goods and services in question. The cases where this skill
    may be used without an opposed check are exceedingly
    rare, but the opportunity may present itself. In such a
    case, the CM is encouraged to gauge the difficulty of the
    check by the factors mentioned above.

Extra ^ on a Negotiation check may be used to
increase the acting character's profit by 5% per #
They may alternatively be used to modify the scope
of the agreement, so that the contract can extend for
a longer period of time or more goods may be ob-
tained for a given price.

O generated during a Negotiation check may be
spent to earn unrelated boons from the target, either
concessions if the check is failed, or extra perks if it is
passed. With a the player may choose to have the

target NPC become a regular client or specialist vendor.
The NPC might thereafter keep an eye out for specific
goods the PC may be interested in, or offer referrals to
other clients in regards to the quality of his service.
'§) during a Negotiation check may be spent to
increase the cost of goods the character is attempt-
ing to purchase, to decrease the value of those he is
trying to sell, or to shorten contracts he is trying to
negotiate. A GM may spend ^ to seriously sabotage
the character's goals during the interaction; perhaps
the character receives counterfeit goods or payment,
or agrees to terms that are entirely beyond the scope
of the negotiation.


Characters must often maintain a careful awareness
of their environment. Subtle cues can hint at immi-
nent danger or unexpected advantage. The Percep-
tion skill represents the character's constant, passive
state of awareness. This is how a character notices
concealed or subtle cues when he is not actively
seeking them out. The skill is critical for anyone who
faces dangers on a regular basis—whether they are
in the wilds of a frontier world or among the urban
jungle of a sprawling city.

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