"All who gain power are afraid to lose it Even the Jedi."
layei Characters are often distinguished hy their
special abilities, Wheie a rnirioi character might
siirrendei to < >v< M wJ i< * 111111 u» odds, a hero is expected
to dramatically defeal his foe and triumph, lalen-ts
provide a game mechanic loi a character to por lot m
tasks wiih superhuman flail and ability, Ihese genei
ally reprosonl" specialized techniques lha.l a charac
tei has mastered lypuaiiy through intense practice
and study talents are lightly linked lo a character's
identity, particularly his identity as represented by his
profession. A character is .likely to be-more su< < essful
when engaged in a< lions lor which he has both a skill
and a talenl appropriate foi the situation.
It's importani to also note thai talents are iodised
loi situational use. Generally speaking, talents have
more narrow applications than skills. A character thai
intends to use a pailiculai skill in a broad numboi ol
ways might be better suited'by advancing the skill as
opposed lo learning a l.alenl Al the same lime, a < hai
actei involved in a situation for which Ins talents areap
propriatc could enjoy exceptional degrees ol success.
There are many differeni types ol talents Some are
associated with an individual skill or closely ielated
group ol skills, rhese tend tcj.be particular kna< ks thai
a chaiai lei has acquired through the process ol mas
leiing thai skill. In many cases Ihey lepiesenl opera
iionai shortcuts corners an experienced individual
knows thai < an be safely < m 61 likely patterns he can
lollow. Oilier times, such talents are simply natural
abilities thai Rl in particularly well wiih the use ol thai
skill. This could be a pal I icnlai menial pro< ess. physi
cal knack, or a learned pattern.
A number ol lalenls are specifically associated
wiih physical conflict". These combat talents rep
leseni techniques thai a charactei likely learned
through |n.11 I K e and expei leiu e. In a lew instances,
these abilities even seem superhuman lo the iiuini
bated. However, their origins generally come from
ngoioiis training and personal experience. Many are
specifically associated with the abilities required to.