Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Characters in EDCE OF THE EMPIRE frequently carry small
arsenals on their persons. Sometimes a character
wants everyone to see the massive disruptor slung over
his shoulder and the heavy blaster at his hip, knowing
that intimidation can often stave off a fight. But some-
times a scoundrel needs to slip in somewhere with a
little extra help, such as when Leia entered Jabba's pal-
ace with a hidden thermal detonator.

Items with an encumbrance value of 1 or less can
be hidden on a person easily. No roll is required for
successful concealment unless a foe inspects the tar-
get up close—usually with a physical patdown. In the
latter case, the searcher makes an Opposed Per-
ception check against the target's Stealth. Add • to
the searcher for every encumbrance point over 1 of
the hidden item. If there are multiple items, use the

highest. The Came Master should adjust this based
on the situation. An unusually-large species might be
able to easily conceal items with an encumbrance
value of 2, for example.
The same rules can apply to similar situations—such
as hiding a blaster rifle (encumbrance value 4) in a wag-
on of scrapped droid parts. The Came Master should
decide what value of object can be hidden without no-
tice, and adds • for every point over that.


Ships cargo holds can house a certain amount of encum-
brance, as well. A standard cargo hold can house a wide
variety of encumbrance, listed in the vehicle's profile.
Smuggling panels have varying limits. These small caches
are usually secretly placed around the ship to avoid de-
tection. Most smuggling panels have an encumbrance
limit of 2 to 30 depending on their size and location.

Combat Skills


kills represent the ability to use, identify, maintain,
and care for the weapons in each category. For ex-
ample, the Gunnery skill governs firing large mounted
weapons such as a land-to-air laser turret—and is
also used to diagnose problems, reset the system if
it overheats, identify manufacturers, and so on. This
section discusses combat skills as they relate to vari-
ous weapons.

Brawl weapons are generally light and cover the wearer's
hands. They are easy to wield in close quarters and of-
ten designed with hand-guards or grips to keep them
from being dropped easily in a desperate scuffle. Ces-
tus, brass knuckles, metal claws, vibrofists, and weighted
gloves are all examples of brawling weapons, as are the

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