Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
Weapon Characteristics

Pach weapon has a variety of characteristics which
Edefine its abilities and make it distinct. All weapons
share several characteristics, while many feature spe-
cial qualities that add additional rules to its operation.


The general name of the weapon. This may be a broad
label that applies to several closely related weapons.


The combat skill used when attacking with this weapon.


The base damage the weapon inflicts. This is the mini-
mum damage inflicted if the attack with this weapon
hits. Each net & generated during the attack check
adds one point of damage to this base damage rating.


The range of the weapon. Range is measured in several
broad range bands. Melee weapons require the attacker
to be engaged with the target. Ranged weapons have
ranges listed as short, medium, long, or extreme.


Indicates the number of O required to trigger Criti-
cal Injuries using this weapon. If the weapon's critical
rating triggers, the character rolls percentile dice on
the corresponding Critical Injury chart to determine
the effect on the target. A Critical Injury can only be
triggered on a successful hit that deals damage that
exceeds the target's soak value.

Some weapons and talents modify this Critical Injury
roll, potentially making a Critical Injury more or less ef-
fective. In addition, a character can only generate one
Critical roll per hit on a target. However, if the roll gener-
ates enough O to trigger the critical rating of the weap-
on multiple times, the character can choose to add + 10
to the critical injury roll for each subsequent trigger.


Pash the smuggler fires his blaster at a Rodian mer-
cenary, generating a total of three Critical Injuries!
Pash rolls one Critical, but adds + 20 to the result.


Encumbrance is, in essence, an abstract measure-
ment of how heavy and awkward something is to
carry and transport. The higher the encumbrance, the
more difficult the item is to carry. More details on en-
cumbrance can be found on page 152.


Many items can be customized; the extent deter-
mined by the number of hard points they have. The
vast majority of weapons have a limited number of
hard points that determine what attachments can be
mounted on them. This is covered in greater detail
on page 187.


The price of the weapon on the open market. An (R) next
to the price means the weapon is restricted and cannot
be bought on the open market, in which case the price
listed is the closest average black market price.


The rarity of the item, before modifiers (page 149).


These are the qualities or other special rules each weap-
on possesses. More in-depth descriptions of these quali-
ties can be found on page 154, while rules specific to
a certain type of weapon are described in the weapon's
description, starting on the following page.

Weapon Maintenance

Invariably, weapons start to wear down. Rolling <^> re-
Isults may indicate a weapon has malfunctioned, mis-
fired, jammed, broken down, or otherwise been ren-
dered inoperable or impaired until it can be repaired.

Low-tech weaponry that generally does not rely on
energy cells or sophisticated programming (such as
a bowcaster or gaffi stick) can be repaired with the
Mechanics skill, or the corresponding skill used to
wield the weapon. More sophisticated weapons that

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