Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
Heavy Blaster Pistol

command via the blaster's power pack to a range of
about 12 meters in a wide, unfocused arc.

Organic life forms feel no more than a brief sting,
but droids are blasted with the halt command and
simultaneously overloaded with energy that prevents
any shielding that might resist it. Most droids are ren-
dered inert for up to half an hour when hit by a suc-
cessful ionization blast (reflected in the stun damage).

Ionization blasters work only on droids and cyborgs,
and only deal strain damage as per their Stun quality.
They have no effect on organic beings beyond a brief
and painful sting.

Models Include: Jawa scavenged ion blaster, Merr-
Sonn DEMP 2 Ion Carbine.


Illegal throughout most of the civilized worlds, disrup-
tors focus such a highly energized beam of particles
that they can disintegrate limbs or other large parts
of their victim's bodies. The technology is essentially
that of a blaster rifle, but with an oversized XCiter and

a specialized actuating module that processes a much
higher volume of blaster gas than usual. This combines
with a galven cylinder that super-focuses the resultant
beam. Most disruptor weapons have a very poor range,
although some rifle variants have a boosted range
through expensive reinforced galven cylinders and are
designed specifically for snipers and sharpshooters.
The Tenloss Syndicate manufactures one of the few
mass-produced disruptors, the DXR-6 rifle and the DX-2
pistol. Their main client is the notorious Black Sun crimi-
nal organization, but they also service a smattering of
ruthless rogues and other scoundrels. A few Imperial in-
quisitors and interrogators have been known to brandish
these weapons as well, but perhaps more for the intimi-
dation and terror factor than their practicality.

Whenever a victim is hit by a disruptor, any Critical
Hit results in a "Crippled" effect unless the roll on Table
6-10 would result in an even more grievous injury.
Disruptors may never benefit from upgrades or attach-
ments that improve their range or grant multiple shots.
Models Include: Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle, Ten-
loss DX-2 Disruptor Pistol.


Ionization Blastei


Heavy Blaster Rifle

Disruptor Rifle

Disruptor Pistol
Light Repeating Blaster

Blaster Rifle / Carbine

Heavy Repeating Blaster
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