Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
Force Pike

Lightsaber Truncheon

Gaffi Stick


The weapon of the Jedi is rare in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE.
The rogues and scoundrels of the galaxy do not trav-
el in the same circles as these revered knights. When
such an individual is encountered, tainted souls may
want to steer clear, for their weapons are made of
pure energy and can slice through anything—from
limbs to blast doors.
Lightsabers normally require the Lightsaber skill to
wield. However, since that skill is not an option for the
Player Characters in this book, players must use a light-
saber untrained (selecting either Brawn or Agility as the
base characteristic). This is deliberate, because there
are few people in the galaxy who properly know how to
fight with a lightsaber. However, if the GM feels it is war-
ranted, he can create the Lightsaber skill as a custom
skill for his players. Lightsabers cannot be sundered.


Truncheons may be made of metal, wood, bone or
other materials, but all fulfill the same basic func-
tion—bruising flesh, breaking bones, and cracking
skulls. Police forces around the galaxy use truncheons
to intimidate and control protestors or petty thieves.
Enlightened areas prefer this to lethal force.


Gamorreans, particularly those employed by the notori-
ous Hutts, often carry meter-long axes fitted with vibra-
tion technology. Most are very heavy and suited only
for beings of considerable strength, and usually with a
low center of gravity (particularly tall or elegant beings
have trouble swinging the heavy axes without throwing
themselves off-balance).

The damage a vibro-ax causes is tremendous and
messy. The impact area suffers massive and deep trau-
ma from the blade and the vibration. Because of this,
wounds caused by vibro-axes are particularly nasty—
hence the high damage and Critical Hit chance.
A vibro-ax requires two hands to wield.
Models Include: SoroSuub BD-1 Cutter Vibro-Ax.


A vibroknife is essentially a modded combat knife,
but since they have proven so effective, they have be-
come manufactured as such throughout the galaxy.
The basic premise is simple—a small but powerful
device within the knife's handle vibrates the blade at
an incredibly high frequency so that it essentially acts
as a miniature saw. Vibroknives aren't as powerful as
lightsabers against most substances, but one need
not be a Jedi to wield it effectively.
Models Include: Merr-Sonn Treppus-2 Vibroblade.


Many galactic civilizations have long taken to improv-
ing the simple but effective blade with induced ultra-
sonic vibrations. The high frequency vibrations of the
cutting edge greatly improve the sharpness of the
weapon, allowing it to carve through most materials
with ease.
There are many variations of vibroblade, but the vi-
brosword is fairly common amongst those who fancy
themselves duelists.
Models Include: Merr-Sonn Damask-4 Duelist Sword.




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