Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


Below is a list of the most common armor types found
throughout the galaxy.


A good leather jacket, technician's jumpsuit, or thick
woolen cloak won't stop much damage, but it's certainly
better than nothing. Most characters living on the edge
of the Empire favor heavy clothing for everyday wear.


Anyone traveling outside the civilized planets of the
galaxy should make a point of packing some form
of hostile environment gear. Clothing for hot, des-
ert environments often includes voluminous robes,
goggles, headwraps, self-cooling packs, and water
recyclers. Clothing for cold environments often con-
sists of insulated parkas, quilted and layered pants, ice-
goggles, and head-gear.
Characters with this gear may ignore • imposed
by the environment they find themselves in. The gear
must be appropriate to the environment at hand.
Models Include: Pretormin Environmental Froz
350 and ScorSear 200 complete gear sets.


Local forces and soldiers of the Rebel Alliance often
wear padded armor, woven with tough, energy-resistant
fibers. It tends to absorb and resist some of the power of
a blaster bolt, although it often proves little use against
a solid hit. It does, however, provide reasonable protec-
tion against blows or concussive damage, providing pad-
ding against such shocks. It also has the advantage of
being relatively comfortable; many individuals can wear
padded armor without generating too much attention
from local law enforcement on frontier worlds.

Models Include: TaggeCo. "Protector X" Law Enforce-
ment Armor.


This category of armor covers light vests, jackets, or
pants plated with plastoid or ceramic pads, sometimes
with mesh energy-dispersion layers. This armor type is
very light but covers the most important vital organs.
These plates are mostly undetectable as long as the
clothing is reasonably bulky. An Average 4}) Der"
ception check detects that a person's clothing is plated.
However, the plates woven into the fabric do not
just provide absorption against blows, they also serve
to deflect some shots away from vital areas entirely.
Models Include: Tenloss Syndicate "ShadowStalker"
Assassin Gear,


Imperial stormtroopers wear fully-enclosed plastoid
armor that deflects and negates incoming damage.
It won't stop a direct hit from a blaster, but is rea-
sonably effective against indirect concussive damage
and shrapnel. It typically includes vision magnifica-
tion and integrated comlinks to others attuned to the
same frequency. As the armor is designed to work

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