Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Type Defense Soak Price Encumbrance Hard Points Rarity
Adverse Environment Gear 0 i 500 2 i i
Armored Clothing 1 I 1.000 3 i 6
Heavy Battle Armor i 2 (R) 5.000 6 4 7
Heavy Clothing 0 1 50 1 0 0
Laminate 0 2 2.500 4 3 5
Personal Deflector Shield 2 0 10.000 3 0 8
Padded Armor 0 2 500 2 0 1

with powered systems, it can be easily modified with
after-market attachments.
Laminate armor is worn over a tight-fitting body
glove. This system offers significant insulation, making
it easier to operate in all environments. For extended
service in extreme environments, more specialized
versions are made.
Models Include: Imperial Department of Military Re-
search Stormtrooper Armor.


Certain heavy stormtroopers, bounty hunters, and
even droids are fitted with heavy armor. Ostensibly,
heavy armor protects against most normal blaster
shots, but in the arms race of offense versus defense,
the offensive power of a good blaster is still far ahead
of most anything a humanoid can wear.
Heavy battle armor can be sealed and provide the
same benefits as full-body laminate armor as above, or
it can take the form of a heavy vest and blast helmet.

Heavy Battle Armor

Models Include: Mandalorian
Shock Trooper Armor.


Though rare, bulky, and difficult
to use, personal deflector shields
are one of the few defenses that
can stand up to blaster fire. De-
flector shields use limited ray/
particle shielding that deflects
and blocks incoming projectiles.
They are difficult to use because
the power drain is extraordinary,
meaning they only work for a
limited length of time. When the
wielder is using a personal deflec-
tor shield, the CM can spend any
^ the wielder generates to have
the shield run out of power for
the remainder of the encounter.

The shield has enough power
to last about ten minutes. Re-
charging a deflector shield re-
quires three hours and electrical
Modern galactic companies
do not generally produce per-
sonal deflector shields. The tech-
nology to make one that does
not emit enough radiation to
kill an organic user is very rare,
and those that exist are almost
always custom-built.


Laminate Armor
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