Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

One fascinating invention in the field of cybernetics is
the cybernetic implant, a computer device designed to
augment the user's brainpower. One example, the AjA 6
implant, is a common enhancement for those who must
oversee large operations or process vast amounts of data
on a regular basis. The implant fits around the user's ears
and back of the head, melding with the user's brain to
achieve superior reasoning speeds as well as to store in-
formation for later analysis. The popular unit also allows
for remote computer control as well as comlink capability.

A cybernetic brain implant provides + 1 Intelligence
and includes a comlink and computer access link.

Models Include: BioTech Borg Construct AjA6 Cy-
bernetic Implant.


Another product from the ubiquitous Tagge Company
and other corporations, implant armor is useful for
occasions where obvious armor protection might be
impractical or even act as an insult to prospective
business partners. These thin plates rest under the
skin, where they can absorb enemy fire with little seri-
ous damage to vulnerable tissue.

Implant armor provides + 1 soak.
Models Include: TaggeCo Implant Armor Mod V, Bio-
Tech "Duraskin" Implant.


Perhaps one of the most difficult cybernetic enhance-
ment is replacement eyes, for most observers can detect
even the slightest error. Athakam MedTech's line of cy-
bernetic eyes passes such inspection, with many agreeing
the Mod III is perhaps their finest achievement. Although
they are obviously not the user's natural eyes, they grant
the user increased visual acuity and recognition.

Users with cybernetic eyes gain +1 Vigilance
and Perception.

Models Include: Athakam MedTech Cybernetic
Eyes Mod III.

Given the wide variety of life forms and the frequency
with which many travel the galaxy, it is little wonder
that diseases can become a major concern. Most have
to rely on treatment or some form of local resistance
meds, but these can vary from world to world. Athakam
MedTech's Immune Implant solves such problems with
simplicity and efficiency through use of a subdermal
wide-spectrum defense mixture, designed to protect
against almost every disease known. The Mod I im-
plant is the most commonly used version, combining
broad effectiveness and long-term results in a single
package that rests just below the skin.

Possessing an Immune Implant grants the wearer
+1 Resilience
Models Include: Athakam MedTech Immune Im-
plant Mod I.


It took six designs before the weaponsmiths at
BlasTech achieved success, but the Mod VII, also
known as a "blaster arm," finally combined a realis-
tic limb with a deadly ranged weapon. The company
uses outsourced cybernetic limbs as the basis for
their designs, modifying them with their own propri-
etary weapon designs to form the final product. Fa-
vored by bounty hunters and assassins, the artificial
forearm can split open for a short-ranged blaster to
spring out and deliver a hail of shots before most foes
are aware they are in danger.

The standard cybernetic weapon arm appears to be
a regular cybernetic arm but features a retractable
light blaster pistol that can be deployed as an inciden-
tal. It is attached to the arm and cannot be removed,
dropped, or disarmed.
Models Include: BlasTech Industries Arms Cybernetic
Weapon Enhancement Mod VII, Athakam MedTech
Synthlimb Blaster.


This cybernetic arm does far more than simply replace
a limb; it also includes a basic scanner for medium
range detection. The CyberScanner displays data on
a holo-projector that appears above the user's open
palm and can show nearby motion, life-forms, energy
signatures, and other common targets as desired.
The Mod IV Scanner Limb incorporates a portable
scanner, and unlike most cybernetics, is concealed by
a synthflesh covering to disguise the fact that there is
anything out of the ordinary about the limb.
Models Include: Neuro-Saav Technologies CyberScan-
ner Limb, NeuroFabritech ScanMaster Arm.


Brain Implant
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