Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

While life is usually controlled and comfortable,
there are many times when physical survival be-
comes an issue. A forced landing might strand a
crew deep in Tatooine's deserts, or a speeder fail-
ure could result in extended durations in glacial
snow. Most ships, especially smaller ones such
as fighters and escape pods, contain kits to help
ensure survival until rescue or repair. Pretormin
Environmental (a company specializing in explo-
ration and survival gear) makes a popular model
of survival kit small enough to fit into an escape
pod or snubfighter. Their contents include a ther-
mal cloak, multipurpose knife, distress beacon,
two emergency comlinks, wire spool, ration bars,
basic medpac (equivalent of the CLiS Emergency
Medpac), two respirators, water filter and jug, glow
rod, 50 meters of high strength microfiber, ten ra-
tion packs, and a flare gun. Some pirates would
augment their kits with compact blasters or other
weapons, knowing that often their enemies will
also be eagerly searching for them, although Pre-
tormin Environmental doesn't equip their kits with
weapons as standard.

Models Include: Pretormin Environmental Crash
Survival Kit.


Tents can be found in larger survival kits, and can pro-
vide protection from the elements for one or more
people. Almost any large piece of fabric can be made
into one if necessary, though most would prefer dur-
asilk models with internal memory supports that as-
semble themselves.
Models Include: Numerous Variants.


For those not used to extremes of heat or cold, ther-
mal protection is a must. Thermal cloaks can be worn
while on the move, or used as a blanket or makeshift
tent. Depending on the technical access of the user,
these could be simple but effective fabric blends or
ultra-thin synthetic meshes than can collapse into a
pocket. Most offer support for cold environments,
with more clever models having reflective materials to
also aid in areas of excessive heat.
Thermal blankets and thermal cloaks remove up to

  • • from any checks made to handle the effects of
    extreme heat or cold.
    Models Include: Numerous Variants.


Using tools separates sentients from other life forms,
and using tools well often separates successful sen-
tients from the rest. Tools are used to perform specific
tasks or to make performing them easier; they can be
almost anything from a simple hammer to a fusion
power pack and everything in between. As with weap-
ons, in desperate times almost anything can be made
into a tool, though its efficiency pales in comparison
to the correct item.


A backpack can serve many important functions; it
can be used for carrying survival gear or even smaller
allies and droids. Most are simple affairs of fabric and
straps, with better styles including internal bracing
and back support so that heavier weights can be car-
ried far longer.
Backpacks increase the character's encumbrance
threshold by 4.
Models Include: Numerous Variants.


Though climbing gear is usually used in wilderness ar-
eas away from artificial turbolifts or simple stairs, it also
can be useful in gaining entry to higher reaches through
clandestine means. Most gear includes a spooled length
of syntherope or liquid cable, with a hook or some other
attachment to secure the line. The Pretormin Environ-
mental Basic kit also includes four quick-adhesion pitons
that can securely attach to almost any surface.

Models Include: Pretormin Environmental Basic
Climbing Gear.



here are plenty of pieces of gear that charac-
ters are likely to carry that are too mundane
or inexpensive to track on their sheets. Chro-
nos, writing implements, pocket knives, credit
chips, street clothing, shoes, fancy hats, inex-
pensive jewelry and decorations, snacks, me-
mentos, holos of friends and family; all of these
things and more are details that can embellish
a character, but are not important enough to
track. Player Characters can assume that they
have any number of miscellaneous sundries on
them, depending on what they feel their char-
acters would actually carry.

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