Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Datapads are common on most technologically civi-
lized planets, and are used to record, store, display,
and organize almost any kind of data from basic text
to holographic recordings. Most come with a small
display screen, though some use holoprojectors and
are small enough to be easily carried in one or two
hands, depending on the model. They are commonly
encoded or encrypted so that only the actual owner
can operate them; some are even set to wipe all data
if unauthorized users attempt access.

Models Include: Numerous Variants.

grav devices. Their only drawbacks are their large size
and weight, limited fuel, and the not inconsiderable
skill needed to pilot them safely.
The Z-6 uses an air-breathing jet turbine to propel
the user, maintaining stability via directional exhaust
nozzles and a gyro-stabilizer. The pilot uses a verbal
control interface and wrist controls to fly the jet pack.
A jet pack allows a person to function as a Silhouette
1, Speed 2, Handling 0, System Strain Threshold 3 ve-
hicle that can only operate in atmosphere, and requires
Piloting (Planetary) to operate.
Models Include: Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet Pack.


These small, squat devices provide both light and heat
for the surrounding area. They are also quite durable
and reliable, and are commonly found in larger travel
kits and survival packs. Characters can also plug other
electronic devices into a fusion lantern to power them,
such as datapads, glow rods, and small scanning devices.

Models Include: SoroSuub Powermax Fusion Lantern.


A glow rod is a hand-held light source that illuminates an
area in a directional beam. A common device with many
different styles, each operates with an internal chemical
power source or a small rechargeable power cell.
Models Include: Numerous Variants.

A jet pack is ideal for fast maneuverability and surprise
attacks. Most use small thrusters to blast into the air
for short periods, though some augment this with anti-

Technology runs on power, and while most devices have
internal power sources, these either run out or need
augmentation. Energy cells are small battery disks that
can keep most hand-held devices going for a while lon-
ger, while power packs are larger versions suitable for
blasters and other high-demand gear. Extra reloads al-
low characters to ignore an "out of ammo" ^ result
with a ranged weapon. By spending a maneuver, they
may reload their weapons and get back in the fight.

Models Include: Numerous Variants.


In a technological galaxy, a tool kit is almost essential.
Every vessel, no matter the size or function, has some
sort of repair kit to deal with mechanical or electric fail-
ures, as calling for assistance is often not practical (or
safe). Kits are also useful for repairing damaged droids
or cybernetic parts, especially ones too modified to take
to reputable mechanics. Tool kits need to have a wide
range of gear, as many users are fond of tinkering and

Glow Rod
Jet Pack

Fusion Lantern


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