Item Price Encum Rarity
Crash Survival Kit 300 5 2
Ration Pack 5 0 0
Breath Mask 25 1 1
Space Suit^100 4 1
Tent 100 4 1
Thermal Cloak 200 2 1
Backpack 50 0
Climbing Gear 50 1 2
Data pad 75 1 1
Emergency Repair Patch 25 0 1
Extra Reloads 25 1 1
Fusion Lantern 150 2 2
Glow Rod 10 1 0
Jet Pack 4.500 2 7
Tool Kit 350 4 2
Utility Belt 25 0
repair patch heals no wounds—the droid is so patched
together that further patches would be useless. It takes
a day for the droid's self repair diagnostics (or some ac-
tual repairs) to restore his body to enough functionality
to be able to accept additional emergency patches. See
page 220 for more information.
Models Include: SoroSuub Pocket Tech.
A utility belt is a common item for those on active
missions where quick access to tools and gear is a ne-
cessity; even Imperial stormtroopers use them. Their
contents will vary with their user and their planned ac-
tions; sabotage missions might have belts with explo-
sives and security slicer chips, while a ship mechanic
might have his stuffed with his favorite tools. Some
belts also have weapon holsters or clips.
Utility belts increase the character's encumbrance
threshold by 1.
Models Include: Numerous Variants.
Black Market Items
lack markets exist across the galaxy, from the
wretched hives of lawless frontier worlds to the hid-
den corners of Imperial fortresses. A smuggler might
visit a black market to avoid Imperial or planetary
tariffs on otherwise legal goods or to unload stolen
items without the scrutiny of authorities, but he might
also visit in search of contraband items unavailable at
regulated ports.
Smugglers use "spice" as one common term to describe
a variety of chemical concoctions as diverse and strange
as the planets of the galaxy. Despite their different ori-
gins and specific effects, however, many examples of
spice share two major qualities: a pleasurable tempo-
rary effect followed by negative side effects. Even vari-
ants of spice with medicinal or therapeutic qualities
have the possibility of addiction. Many varieties of spice
provide a simple high followed by a crash, but some
drugs, such as the infamous glitterstim produced in the
spice mines of Kessel, have more exotic and sometimes
unpredictable effects when ingested. For these reasons,
although many variants of spice are legal in the galaxy,
even those types are heavily regulated on most worlds.
Heavy regulation and illegality alike mean that spice is
a popular item of contraband for smugglers across the
galaxy. The Empire also enforces bans on many types of
spice, but some Imperial soldiers, pilots, and scientists
have been known to make use of performance enhancing
substances (sometimes at the behest of their superiors
and sometimes without their permission). Though run-
ning spice may be somewhat safer than trafficking weap-
ons, it is nonetheless a dangerous occupation for a smug-
gler. The criminal enterprises involved in the production
and distribution of drugs such as spice are rarely known
for their good nature or patience. Han Solo ran seriously
afoul of Jabba the Hutt when he was forced to jettison a
hold full of precious glitterstim that he was transporting
for the crime lord. The fact that Imperial authorities were
in the midst of boarding the Millennium Falcon when Han
abandoned his cargo did little to soften Jabba's heart,
and Han's arguably reasonable choice still ended up
earning him a death mark.
Avabush spice is a drug that induces relaxation and
lethargy, and some use it as an illicit sleep aid. Unlike
many varieties of spice, it has no hallucinogenic quali-
ties and does not cause physical addiction in most
species. However, it does have one interesting quirk
that separates it from countless similar drugs: avabush
spice makes users more truthful, and can be used to
extract information when combined with targeted and
insistent questioning. Though not particularly valuable,
avabush can only be found on the planet of Baros and
in certain specialized greenhouses that maintain sam-
ples. It is considerably less effective than the various