Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

spice or illicit arms avoid running shipments of this
particular drug on what they term "moral grounds."
Use of death sticks also weakens a person's connec-
tion to the Force temporarily, though few users or
even dealers are aware of this fact.

Death sticks have a nasty result in the long run,
but unless one's campaign runs over the course of
decades or a character has had a death stick ad-
diction for some years already, characters are un-
likely to experience the truly miserable death these
drugs bring about. A life-long addiction to death
sticks typically halves the lifespan of most species,
though various species are more or less susceptible
to the effects of Ixetal Cilona. The short-term ef-
fects of a single dose last for one scene or combat
encounter and adds • to any task the character at-
tempts, and may reduce the character's connection
to the Force in certain ways at the GM's discretion.

Restrictions: Death sticks are controlled substances
on most worlds, and at the very least those under the
age of majority cannot purchase them. Death sticks
are completely illegal on many other worlds, especially
those with high health standards.


Certain pieces of technology are too powerful, too
dangerous, or too subversive for the ruling authorities
to allow civilians to use them. For instance, high-pow-
ered military-grade weapons are contraband on most
worlds where public firefights are seen as a crime and
not a form of entertainment. On most planets, one
would need to search a black market to find most of
the items listed below.

outlaw tech data breaker

Data breakers are basic tools of the trade for many
slicers. While droid slicers are programmed to crack
complex sequences, organics usually lack this innate
option, and therefore rely on a data breaker to do the
grunt work of opening systems to them so that their
true skills can shine once they are inside. Most data
breakers are also recording devices, and can pull vast
amounts of information from ill-guarded systems in sec-
onds. Droid slicers can choose to have a data breaker
(or equivalent systems) installed internally at the same
cost. Data breakers add •• to any Computers check
made to slice computers (as opposed to the usual one
for having the right tools for the job).
Restrictions: The Empire and many planetary govern-
ments restrict possession of data-breaking technology.
Military and law-enforcement organizations make legal
use of these devices, but typically civilian use of such
technology is prohibited.


Item Price Encum Rarity
Data Breaker (R) 1 ,000 i 6
Flesh Camouflage Set (R) 2.500 2 7
Personal Stealth Field (R) 20,000 1 9

outlaw tech flesh camouflage set

A flesh camouflage set is essentially a comprehen-
sive disguise kit, allowing the user to temporarily
but dramatically change his appearance and even
foil bio-scanners, obscuring his genetic sequence or
mimicking one from another person kind enough to
"donate" a sample. The disguise is good enough that
any checks made to ascertain the user's true identity
have their difficulty set at Formidable (• • • • 4f)
Restrictions: Many elements within the kit are perfect-
ly legal on their own. but most planetary and Imperial
authorities take a dim view of anyone actually carrying
a set of items that allows the user to mask himself down
to a genetic level.

outlawtech personal stealth field

Personal stealth fields, as the name suggests, are min-
iaturized stealth fields that allow their user to vanish
from the sight of organic creatures and droids without
sufficiently acute optics. Most of them are relics of an
age long-past, though several contemporary efforts
have been made by various military organizations to
recreate this technology.
While they are undeniably effective for those who
wish to pass unnoticed, the major flaw of most per-
sonalized stealth fields is that they are prone to col-
lapsing. Scientists have theorized that this may be an
unavoidable result of miniaturizing technology meant
for starships, a design flaw, or a result of many of the
active devices being antiques. In any case, few are
lucky enough to possess one of these devices, and
their infamous unreliability makes many prospective
users wary. When using this device, it is impossible to
see the user visually. In addition, any checks to ascer-
tain the user's location by other means (such as hear-
ing, smell, or observing the surrounding environment)
have their difficulty set at Formidable (•••••)

Restrictions: Personalized stealth fields are vanish-
ingly rare, and so few governments bother to place re-
strictions on their use. Some are legitimate artifacts of
ages past, while others are stolen military technology,
and the particulars of their creation dictate their legal-
ity. Of course, law enforcement officers tend not to see
these fine distinctions when apprehending people using
them to commit crimes.

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