Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

an impact-resistant housing. The resulting scope magnifies
distant images for long-range shooting. This attachment
can be used on any ranged weapon (with the exception
of one-use weapons like grenades, or weapons like flame
projectors that would not realistically benefit from a sight).
Models Include: Merr-Sonn 80Z Telescopic Optical
Sight, Zikon Optics Model 40 Marksman Scope.
Base Modifiers: Reduce the difficulty of ranged
combat checks at long and extreme range by one.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 1
Price: 250 Credits.


Designed for use with the heaviest man-portable weap-
ons, tripods are a common sight among heavy weapon
squads. Used in static weapon emplacements to sup-
port heavy squad support weapons such as the Impe-
rial Army's E-Web heavy repeating blaster, tripods use
a number of different technologies—from self-extending
hydraulics to tiny, low-output repulsorlift generators—to
stabilize heavy weapons for firing. This attachment is only
for use on light repeating blasters and heavy repeating
blasters, as well as any portable Gunnery weapons. Set-
ting up a tripod takes two preparation maneuvers.
Models Include: BlasTech 3R Heavy Weapon Tri-
pod Mount.
Base Modifiers: Decrease weapon's Cumbersome
rating by 3 when set up. May not move the weapon
(except to pivot) once tripod is set up.
Modification Options: 2 Weapon Quality (Cum-
bersome -1) Mods.
Hard Points Required: 2
Price: 250 credits.


Slings are lengths of hide or synthetic fabric designed
to allow easy handling of long arms like blaster rifles
and slugthrower rifles. They come in a dizzying array of
styles, from the simple adjustable single-strap sling for
carrying a weapon off the shoulder to multi-strap slings
made of specialized materials that allow for any num-
ber of custom sling configurations. These attachments
can only be used with Ranged (Heavy) weapons.
Models Include: Custom-tooled Bantha hide sling,
Tactical three-point sling, Quick-release one-point
drop sling.
Base Modifiers: Decrease Cumbersome rating by 1.
Modification Options: 1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod.
Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 100 credits.


Designed to allow a single sentient to field even the
heaviest man-portable weapons with no support,
weapon harnesses are rare among the Outer Rim ter-
ritories. Worn over the shoulders and belted around
the midsection or torso, weapon harnesses consist
of a series of load-bearing straps and harnesses con-
nected to a gyro-stabilized, power-assisted boom
arm attached to a heavy weapon. Powered by a tiny
rechargeable power pack, the harness offers its user
enhanced stability and strength when using heavy
weapons. This attachment can only be used with
Ranged (Heavy) and Gunnery weapons.
Models Include: Arakyd WW480 "Goliath" Weapon
Harness, Galactic Arms HR12 Power Harness, Soro-
Suub "Little Giant" Heavy Weapon Power Assist.
Base Modifiers: Decrease Cumbersome rating by 2.
Modification Options: 1 Innate Talent (Brace) Mod.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price: 500 credits.


Weapons designed to bludgeon foes to unconscious-
ness or death often benefit from extra weight added to
the striking surface. This can be accomplished through
using heavier materials in the construction, or just by
adding metal bands or studs to the business end. Re-
inforced "knuckles" can be added to some brawling
weapons for similar effect. This attachment can only
be added to bludgeoning Melee or Brawl weapons.
Models Include: None.
Base Modifiers: Damage + 1.
Modification Options: 1 Damage+1 Mod, 1
Weapon quality (Concussive + 1) Mod.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price: 250 credits.
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