Range Bands
DGE OF THE EMPIRE relies on broad terms used to
describe ranges and distances. Rather than have a
player's attention focused on a grid, counting squares,
EDCE OF THE EMPIRE uses more abstract means to rep-
resent position, distances, and ranges, thus allowing
the players to focus on the action and the adventure.
The distance between two points—people, objects,
or adversaries—is defined by general range catego-
ries. These range categories are used to determine
how far a ranged attack can reach, how far apart
two people are from each other, how much effort is
needed to move between two places, and so on. The
most common ranges are short, medium, long, and
extreme range. Another relative position exists—en-
gaged—to represent characters that are in extremely
close proximity to each other.
For ease of play, distance in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE is
divided up into five different bands, from engaged to
extreme. As always, the GM has final say in determin-
ing the range between the attacker and the target.
With the engaged status and the range bands, the
GM is free to describe things dynamically and set
scenes without having to worry about exact distances.
Exact distances in meters do not matter. The details
and adventure come first, creating a vivid picture for
the players, while allowing the GM to quickly provide
the mechanical information players need to use their
actions and build strategies.
To reflect two or more targets close enough to inter-
act directly with each other, there is a special range
status called engaged. Two characters engaged with
each other are in very close proximity. A soldier needs
to be engaged with a target to hit him with his vibro-
sword. Two or more characters engaged with each
other is called an engagement.
Engaged is also used to indicate that a person is close
enough to an item to use it. A slicer needs to be en-
gaged with a security terminal to attempt to hack it. A
pilot needs to be engaged with his starship to board it.
A bounty hunter needs to be engaged with a tree if he
wants to hide behind it for cover while stalking his prey.
The engaged status simply indicates that two things are
close enough to each other to directly interact.
The best way to consider engaged is as a sub-
category of short range. Obviously, someone can be
slightly further away if they're at short range, rather
than if they're engaged with someone. However, the
distance is relatively minor. Thus, spending a maneu-
ver to move to engage someone or something is as
much a matter of moving into combat (or out of com-
bat) cautiously enough to avoid a return blow—or flip-
ping open and focusing one's attention on a device—
as much as it is moving a physical distance.
Short range indicates up to several meters between
targets. Many thrown weapons and small firearms
are most accurate at short range. Two people in short