Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


Size Dam frit Range Encum Special Example
Small + 1 5 Engaged i - Bottle, fist-sized rock, hydrospanner

Medium + (^2 5) Engaged 3 Cumbersome 2 Two-handed rock, chair, holovid screen
Large + 3 5 Engaged 4 Cumbersome 4 Shovel, large tree branch, table, crate
Sometimes a character doesn't have a real weapon
available and must make do with anything that is on
hand. This includes broken bottles, rocks, sticks, and
the like. Improvised weapons use the Melee skill, and
like all Melee weapons, the attacker adds his Brawn to
the damage dealt. Just like weapons with the Inferior
quality, improvised weapons generate one automatic
© on any check. Improvised weapons deal damage
based on their size and general weight, as described
in Table 6-5: Improvised Weapons Any attack roll
that results in a ^ or © © indicates that the impro-
vised weapon breaks and is useless in further rounds
of combat. Large improvised weapons also require two
hands to use as long as the user is silhouette 1.
Generally, it is a character's skill that governs his
chances of hitting a target. However, some targets
are easier to hit than others, usually because of their
size. Size, or silhouette, is usually used to determine
the difficulty of attacks made from vehicles or star-

Chapter VII: Starships and Vehicles

Vehicles), as vehicle weapons are powerful and long-
ranged enough that relative sizes matter more than
distance. However, silhouettes can affect attack dif-
ficulties in standard combat as well.

When a character makes an attack against a target
with a silhouette two points or more larger than he

is, he decreases the difficulty of the check by one.
When a character makes an attack against a target
with a silhouette two or more points smaller than he
is, he increases the difficulty of the check by one. (Ve-
hicles and starships can have an even more difficult
time shooting at targets with greater differences in
silhouettes, but when it comes to characters, checks
are only modified somewhat due to size).
Table 6-6: Silhouettes and Characters has a list
of example silhouettes that covers the size of most
creatures the PCs may encounter. The most impor-
tant thing to remember is that most characters are
silhouette 1.

Silhouette Example

0 Jawas,smaller creatures. Ewoks, astromech droids. any


Humans, Wookiees, Gand, Rodians,
Trandoshans, Twi'leks. humanoid droids,
Bothans, and most humanoid species.

2 Dewbacks, wampas. tauntauns, banthas. most riding animals.

3 Rancors,dangerous creatures. krayt dragons, other large and

4 + Thereeven larger than those listed. are some creatures in the galaxy

Environmental Effects


he galaxy is made up of countless environments,
from the frozen wastes of Hoth to the steamy jun-
gles of Yavin 4 and the kilometer-high skyscrapers
of Coruscant. Characters can often find themselves
fighting in hazardous or exotic
circumstances, from the cold
hard vacuum of space to the
infernal heat of a volcanic
planet. Canny combat-
ants know that taking
advantage of their en-
vironment can often

make all the difference between triumph and defeat
in an engagement. The following sections cover rules
imposed by those environments.
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