Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Although not always likely, some attacks that
tldeal strain damage (notably stun weapons)
can also trigger critical hits. Although this may
seem odd, it actually makes sense. When a Play-
er Character inflicts a critical hit on an adversary
that can be incapacitated by a single critical hit
(such as a minion), then they are simply inca-
pacitated by being rendered unconscious. If
PCs or nemesis NPCs suffer a critical hit from
a stun weapon, this may be anything from ad-
verse long term effects from the stun weapon to
tangential injuries from being stunned (the stun
shot could knock them off balance, and they
take a nasty crack on the skull when they hit
the ground, for example). Of course, since these
critical hits would have to be triggered by the
players or CM, both parties can always decide
that a critical hit would not make sense in that
narrative, and choose not to trigger them.

serious and represent some sort of long-term debilita-
tion or impairment. These injuries continue to affect
the character until he receives the proper medical
treatment to recover from the injury.

Regardless, a Critical Injury remains with the character
until it is properly healed; even if the short-term effect
of the Critical Injury has passed, the status of having a
Critical Injury remains. Each Critical Injury a character
suffers from adds + 10 to any subsequent Critical Injury
check. Essentially. Critical Injury is cumulative, and left
untreated, even a number of relatively minor Critical In-
juries can lead to devastating results.



Characters in EDCE OF THE EMPIRE can suffer status ef-
fects beyond being wounded or incapacitated. These
status effects can change what a character can do
during an encounter, and can be very dangerous. Al-
ternatively, inflicting them on others can be a very po-
tent ability indeed.


A staggered character cannot perform actions (in-
cluding downgrading actions to maneuvers). Most
effects that stagger a character last for a set du-
ration. If a set duration is not specified, the stag-
gered effect lasts until the end of the character's
next turn. If a character is staggered multiple times,
each instance increases the total duration of the ef-
fect by the instance's specified duration, but may
not increase the total duration beyond the scope of
the present encounter.


An immobilized character cannot perform maneuvers
(including maneuvers purchased via strain or spend-
ing Ol Most effects that immobilize a character last
for a set duration. If a set duration is not specified,
immobilization lasts until the end of the character's
next turn. If a character is immobilized multiple times,
each instance increases the total duration of the ef-
fect by the instance's specified duration, but may not
increase the total duration beyond the scope of the
present encounter.


A disoriented character adds • to all checks he
makes. Most effects that disorient a character last
for a set duration. If a set duration is not specified,
disorientation lasts until the end of the character's
next turn. If a character is disoriented multiple times,
each instance increases the total duration of the ef-
fect by the instance's specified duration, but may
not increase the total duration beyond the scope of
the present encounter.


The dangerous galaxy of EDGE OF THE EMPIRE puts the
Player Characters in treacherous situations, and even
the most stalwart character cannot survive every-
thing. A time may come when a PC faces his ultimate
fate and perishes.
If a character ever rolls (or. through multiple or un-
treated Critical Injuries, otherwise suffers) a result of
1 41 or higher on Table 6-10: Critical Injury Result,
he dies. A dead character cannot be brought back to
life. Similarly, a destroyed droid character may not be
restored—it is assumed that his central processing
unit was irrevocably damaged. Either way. the player
should move on and create a new character to con-
tinue the adventure.
For more on the death of a Player Character, see
Chapter IX: The Game Master

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