Corellian Engineering's YT-2400 class light freighters are
an update of the aging, reliable YT-1 300 class. Using the
lessons learned over the decades since the YT-1 300's
initial launch, CEC's engineers packed as much power
and as many sophisticated flight and cargo handling
systems into the YT-2400 as it could possibly hold. The
YT-2400 has a saucer-shaped hull with a central circular
core surrounded by cargo and passenger modules. Like
all YT series freighters, it has a starboard-mounted cock-
pit connected to the main hull by a pair of reinforced py-
lons. The cockpit section contains its own access hatch
and crew escape pod. Overall, these ships are slightly
smaller than the YT-1 300, thus they make better, more
efficient use of the space available to them. The bow of
the ship and forward cockpit pylon contain the ship's
main cargo hold and the crew quarters. Opposite the
cockpit are the common galley and refresher, and abaft
the central core are a number of private cabins, the en-
gineering bay, and the passenger escape pod.
While officially built as a civilian freighter to be used
for legitimate business, Corellian Engineering's mar-
keting and development departments are fully aware
that the majority of their customers are, perhaps, on
the far side of the law. The ship is touted as being
"Double Plated," which is essentially advertising-
speak for military grade armor. YT-2400s also feature
heavy shields, room for larger reactors and ion drives,
and a number of dedicated weapon hard points that
come out of the shipyard unused.
tons of
bulk cargo
in its cavern-
ous modular
cargo holds. The
ship itself is as utilitar-
ian as a ship can be. The
forward quarter of the ves-
sel contains the bridge, crew
quarters, and primary systems.
The remainder of the ship is given
over to cargo space. Abaft the command
decks is a hulking, multi-decked cargo hold
equipped with countless sliding bulkheads, retract-
able decks, sophisticated anti-boarding systems, and
a state-of-the-art cargo handling system. The two hull
sections are, in fact, detachable, in case the ship is
ever in danger of losing its cargo. Both the command
section and the cargo hold are hyperspace capable.
The forward section has a traditional hyperdrive and
navicomputer, while the cargo section uses an auto-
mated emergency escape system that transitions it
into hyperspace as soon as it is jettisoned, to keep it
out of the hands of pirates.
Due to their size, durability, and heavy armament,
Star Galleons are used by the Empire to transport
high-value cargoes without needing escort vessels.
Hull Type/Class: FreighterAT-2400.
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 1 2.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Short
Ship's Complement: One pilot, one co-pilot/engineer.
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 40.
Passenger Capacity: 6.
Consumables: Two months.
Cost/Rarity: 1 30,000 credits/5.
Customization Hard Points: 5.
Weapons: Dorsal and Ventral Turret Mounted Twin
Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Criti-
cal 3; Range [Close); Linked 1).
Used primarily by the Imperial Navy's Logistics Corps
as a long-haul heavy cargo lifter, the Star Galleon is
yet another sturdy and well founded ship from the
shipwrights at Kuat Drive Yards. A massive, plodding,
humpbacked vessel, this frigate-sized transport carries
Hull Type: Transport/Star Galleon.
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 1 5.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Medium.
Ship's Complement: One-hundred fifty officers and
enlisted crew.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10,000 or more, depend-
ing on configuration.
Passenger Capacity: 300.
Consumables: Six months.
Cost/Rarity: 1,500,000 credits (R)/7.
Customization Hard Points: 2.
Weapons: Five Port and Five Starboard Mounted Re-
tractable Medium Turbolasers (Fire Arc Port or Star-
board; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Slow Firing
1, Breach 4), Forward Concussion Missile Launcher
(Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short];
Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Slow-Firing 1).