apital ships tend to mount heavy turbolasers
and ion cannons to combat other large ves-
sels. These ships are the only ones large enough
to mount such heavy weapons. However, it does
tend to leave them vulnerable to much smaller
and more agile snubfighters. Turbolasers and ion
cannons fire more slowly and are unable to tra-
verse rapidly enough to target these ships effec-
tively, and the larger surfaces of the ships means
the weapons need to cover wider fire zones.
For this reason, some capital ships mount ded-
icated anti-starfighter weapons, typically laser
cannons and blasters. Doing so is a calculated
trade-off—every anti-starfighter weapon takes
up power and space that could go towards
more powerful guns. However, some designers
consider the trade-off worthwhile, especially
when building mid-sized "escort" vessels.
When firing auto-blasters, blaster cannons, la-
ser cannons, and quad laser cannons, capital
ships (and only capital ships!) count their sil-
houette as one less.
Hull Type/Class: Frigate/DP20.
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 1 6.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Long.
Ship's Complement: 91 officers and enlisted crew.
Encumbrance Capacity: 300.
Passenger Capacity: 0.
Consumables: Eight months.
Cost/Rarity: 3,200,000 credits/6.
Customization Hard Points: 1
Weapons: Eight Turret Mounted Light Twin Turbolaser
Batteries (Fire Arc All; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Me-
dium]; Breach 4, Linked 1, Slow-firing 1), Six Retractable
Turret Mounted Quad Laser Cannons (Fire Arc All; Dam-
age 5; Critical 3; Range [Close], Accurate, Linked 3), Two
Port and Two Starboard Concussion Missile Launchers
(Fire Arc Port or Starboard; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
[Short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3).
The reliable Marauder-class corvette is an old, tried-and-
true that has seen service in navies the galaxy over since
the days of the Galactic Republic. Designed and built by
Sienar Technologies, the Marauder was envi-
sioned as a fast, flexible patrol and
escort vessel. While these
ships were initially slat-
ed for the Republic
Navy, they decided
against the
ship, and RSS was left with an unwanted design. Eventu-
ally, RSS sold the Marauder's production rights to the Cor-
porate Sector Authority where it found a home among the
CSA's navy and numerous planetary governments and law
enforcement organizations throughout the Outer Rim.
Today, the venerable Marauder corvettes still see
service with numerous governmental, paramilitary, and
pirate organizations in the Outer Rim. The ships them-
selves are long and graceful with a heavily armored,
wedge-shaped forward section and broad, downward-
sloping wings aft above the drives. Thanks to their fa-
vorable power-to-weight ratio, Marauders are relatively
quick and agile for their size. With their good handling
characteristics, a heavy armament of light turbolas-
ers and tractor beams, and the capability of carrying
a squadron of fightercraft, these ships can hold their
own against nearly anything in their class.
Hull Type/Class: Corvette/Marauder.
Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: None.
Navicomputer: Yes.
Sensor Range: Medium.
Ship's Complement: 177 officers, pilots, and
enlisted crew.
Starfighter complement: Twelve fighters, two