Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Pool 4 Pool 5

Pool 6

Dice Pool 5-Fear Keeps You In Line: The
first 0 shows ft and K} countered b} the First
0 showingY and <§>. The second <•) shows O
cancelled by <§) from the second <). The # shows
ft, but is countered by the • showing a Y. One
uncanceled <§> symbol remains on the second (),
and the O shows ^! The smuggler fails a fear
check when he is surprised by the sudden ap-
pearance of Boba Fett at his ship's hatch.
"As you head for the hatch, you catch sight of
Boba Fett blocking your way, blaster drawn. The
surprise appearance shocks you completely. You
stand there frozen, momentarily unable to move
or go for your gun."

Each of these dice pools indicates an unsuc-
cessful check. No uncanceled Success symbol
appears in any pool. Assume that the first two
pools represent a smuggler encountering a boun-
ty hunter. The last represents a standard skill
check. Below are interpretations of these results.
Dice Pool 4-Not So Sneaky: The • is
showing ft and O. but is canceled by the

  • showing <§) and the 0 showing Y. The 0
    shows O. but is canceled by <§) showing on
    the O. The # shows blank. The O shows one
    uncanceled Y. The smuggler fails to sneak
    past the bounty hunter.

"You try to sneak past the bounty hunter sen-
try on the hill. The fog density negates his height
advantage, but he's smart enough to realize that.
You try to sneak behind some debris, but you
knock it over and he spots you. anyway."

Dice Pool 6-Harder Than It Looks: The 0
showing Y and ® cancels both <). One uncan-
celed © remains on the Q The smuggler fails to
climb a rough wall in a driving rainstorm.
"As you try to climb the wall, you realize the
rain has made it far slicker than it looks. You
fail to make any headway, and your first at-
tempt has loosened the few decent handholds
this far down."

IIhat do the following dice pool results
WJhave in common?

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