Destiny can also be used to help keep characters out
of harm's way. Characters can call on destiny to make
an opponent's skill check more challenging. A single
player may spend one light side Destiny Point to up-
grade the difficulty in any NPCs skill check by one
step. This refers to upgrading a Difficulty die into the
more potent Challenge die. The CM may spend a dark
side Destiny Point in this way to upgrade one of the
PC's dice pools. Additional information on upgrading
dice can be found on page 21.
Many powerful talents allow characters to spend Des-
tiny Points for various effects. For example, a savvy
Politico can spend a Destiny Point to immediately re-
cover from strain equal to his Presence rating. Many
other uses exist as well—see the individual talent de-
scriptions for details.
Destiny can also be used by the players to introduce
"facts" and additional context directly into the narra-
tive. The GM already does this by managing and direct-
ing the story, but this use of Destiny Points provides the
players with a means to make contributions as well.
Imagine the characters land on a planet they expect-
ed to have a breathable atmosphere, only to find a leak
at the gas mining facility has rendered the air toxic.
One of the players suggests spending a Destiny Point,
saying "Good thing you remembered to pack those re-
breathers last time we were in dry dock, Pash." While
none of the players may have specifically mentioned
or listed rebreathers before, it's a sensible and creative
addition to the game. If the GM agrees, the Destiny
Point is spent and the player's contribution is now a
true statement—there are rebreathers handy.
Similarly, a player may spend a Destiny Point in
this manner to suggest finding a spare stimpack while
quickly scavenging through a medical facility, or in-
troducing a terrain feature the character can duck
behind for cover.
Using Destiny Points narratively is a great way to
keep all of the players involved and keep the story
moving forward. However, the GM has final say over
what is or is not acceptable. Players should not abuse
this use of Destiny Points; the more outrageous or
unlikely the suggestion, the more likely the GM will
curtail the players' use of Destiny Points. Ultimately,
this use of Destiny Points allows the players to feel
empowered as active participants in both the game
and the story by rewarding creativity and roleplaying.
If the Destiny Point use would fulfill this goal, the GM
should consider allowing it.
All players and the GM are encouraged to use des-
tiny regularly, creating an ebb and flow of destiny over
the course of a session. While the players could theo-
retically "lock" all the Destiny Points and simply not
spend any light side Destiny Points to prevent the GM
from using dark side Destiny Points against them, this
works both against the spirit of the mechanics and
the setting. Players that horde their Destiny Points
may find the GM using other methods of putting pres-
sure on the group, forcing them to reconsider their
plan. It's perfectly acceptable for the GM to remind
the players about using Destiny Points in play, such as
suggesting the use of Destiny Points if they are feeling
overmatched by a tough enemy.
The Player Characters are wrapped up in the fate of
the galaxy, and through their adventures destiny will
work both for and against them. When used wisely,
Destiny Points provide tension and excitement by
making routine checks more significant, adding an el-
ement of drama to the mundane, or helping provide a
boost when the players are overwhelmed.
Destiny is a powerful resource and should not be
abused. Destiny must also be used wisely—each
player can only invest one Destiny Point into any
single check. If a player chooses to invest a Destiny
Point to upgrade an Ability die into a Proficiency die,
for example, he cannot also invest a Destiny Point to
trigger one of his character's talents. The GM may
also choose to invest one Destiny Point per skill
check. This does introduce the possibility that both
the player and the GM invest destiny into the same
skill check, resulting in no net difference to the overall
Destiny pool balance.
The active player (the player or GM forming the
dice pool) always has the first chance to use a Des-
tiny Point. Once he has decided whether or not he
will use a Destiny Point, the other party involved
in the check (the targeted player, or the GM in the
case of an NPC) has the opportunity to respond and
spend a Destiny Point as well. For example, if the
GM declares he will be spending a Destiny Point to
upgrade an enemy's Ability die into a Proficiency die
for an attack against a PC, that PC's player has the
opportunity to then use a Destiny Point, either to
upgrade one of the Difficulty dice in the attack pool
into a Challenge die, or perhaps to trigger one of the
PC's talents.