Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Characters begin with a budget of experience points
based on their species. The experience points used dur-
ing character creation are the same "currency" as expe-
rience points received during play. If a player chooses
to spend fewer experience points during character cre-
ation than his budget, those points carry over into the
game and the PC will begin with more experience points
to spend once his adventures begin. More information
on spending these experience points can be found in
Chapter II: Character Creation on page 92.

Raising a characteristic during character creation
costs ten times the value of the next highest rat-
ing. During character creation, no characteristic can
be increased higher than five. During the course of
play, no characteristic can be increased higher than
six. Characteristics may only be purchased with ex-
perience points during character creation, not at any
later time. During gameplay, characteristics can only
be increased by acquiring specific, high-tier talents.
For more on raising characteristics, see page 92.

Each skill has five ranks of training available. A char-
acter may have already acquired several ranks of skill
training from his starting career and profession for
free. Characters may train additional skills and gain
additional ranks during character creation. Regard-
less of any species or career bonuses, no skill can be
raised higher than rank 2 during character creation.

The cost for training skills falls into one of two catego-
ries—career skills and non-career skills. Training a career
skill costs five times the value of the next highest rank.

Training a non-career skill costs five times the value
of the next highest rank plus 5 additional experience
points. Characters may purchase ranks in skills during
character creation or later during gameplay.

Talents are acquired from a character's available tal-
ent trees, generally provided by their specialization
choices. A character can purchase any talents he is
eligible for. An eligible talent is any talent in the top
row (which cost 5 experience points each), or any tal-
ent that is directly connected to an already acquired
talent. Talents cost a variable amount, based on which
tier the talent is on. Similar talents may cost different-
ly for different characters based on their specializa-
tions. Characters may purchase talents during charac-
ter creation or later during gameplay.

Each character starts with a single specialization within
his chosen career. However, characters may purchase
additional specializations, giving them access to a
broader range of skills and talents. There is no limit as
to the number of specializations a character possesses.
Acquiring a specialization allows the character to
spend experience points in the new specialization's
talent tree, in addition to any he already has access
to. Also, most specializations have one or more career
skills. These skills now count as career skills for the
character. Characters can purchase specializations from
any career. Purchasing an additional specialization
within a character's career costs 10 times the total
number of specializations he would possess with this
new specialization. Purchasing non-career specializa-
tions costs 10 times the total number of specializa-
tions he would possess with this new specialization,
plus an additional 10 experience.

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