Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1



"Scoundrel I like the sound of that."
-Han Solo


DGE OF THE EMPIRE focuses on the "fringes" of the
Star Wars galaxy, including the little explored
regions of the Outer Rim. the seedy underworld,
and the outlier characters that inhabit these murky
domains. The Player Characters of EDGE OF THE EM-
PIRE also embody this idea. Although the PCs may
have come from a background of wealth, privilege,
and status, they now find themselves in a situation
where few things are truly black and white and even
getting by from day to day is fraught with complica-
tions and danger.
When a group of players decides to start an EDGE
OF THE EMPIRE campaign, special emphasis should be
placed on the background of their characters. Spend-
ing some time before the actual act of coming up with
characteristics, talents, equipment, and other "hard"
attributes goes a long way toward creating a vibrant,
interesting character' for everyone to enjoy.


Creating a character for EDGE OF THE EMPIRE is done in just
a few short steps, allowing players to get-involved in the
action right away. To create a character, a player needs
this rulebook, a character sheet, and a pencil. Addition-
ally, the player needs access to the dice pool (see page
10)—either his own or the group's collection.
.Character generation uses a point buy system, mean-
ing each player has a budget of experience points he
can invest in different aspects of his character. Charac-
ters begin with a modest experience point budget-
but players have the option to take on additional Obli-
gation (debt, favors, bounties on their heads) for more
experience points or additional starting funds, which is
described in-detail later in this chapter.
Selecting a character's- race and career determines
the character's starting characteristics and skills. After
those initial choices, players invest their experience
points to improve starting characteristics, acquire
training in key skills, choose starting equipment, learn
special talents, and even unlock additional talent trees.
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