Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


Before a player starts generating attributes, he should
put some thought into what sort of character he wants
to play. Does he want to play a roguish pilot, quick to
wdraw his blaster when things get sticky? A taciturn
explorer driven to see everything the galaxy has to
offer? In EDGE OF THE EMPIRE, any character concept
found within the Star Wars universe is possible.

The CM should give the players an idea on what
sort of campaign he intends to run for the players.
If the game focuses heavily on combat, the players
may consider choosing more martially-oriented char-
acters. If the campaign runs deep with intrigue, then
building characters with strong social abilities and
skills makes more sense.

The CM should encourage the players to discuss
what kind of careers might be the most useful during
a campaign. Ideally, a group of PCs should include a
mix of characters to ensure they'll survive whatever
the CM comes up with, keeping the campaign style
in mind—someone who can fight well, someone who
can pilot a ship, a person that can fix machines, and
so on. Some overlap may occur, but there is enough
variety in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE that even if two play-
ers choose the same career, each could offer his own
unique abilities and talents.
It should be noted that no character is ever a
"wrong" choice, regardless of the campaign. The GM
should never discourage a player from a particular
character choice and should integrate all the charac-
ter concepts into the campaign at hand. Indeed, part
of the fun that comes from playing EDGE OF THE EMPIRE
is the interesting mix of characters thrust together
during a campaign.


To create a character, each player follows these steps.
The steps are briefly explained below, then broken down
into more detail throughout the course of this chapter.

  1. Determine Character Concept and Background

  2. Determine Starting Obligation

  3. Select Character Species

  4. Select Character Career

  5. Select Specializations

  6. Invest Experience Points

  7. Determine Derived Attributes

  8. Determine Starting Motivations

  9. Choose Gear and Description
    10. Group Chooses Starting Ship


Every character starts as an idea. Does a player want to
play a dashing scoundrel of a smuggler, a brawny Wook-
iee pilot, or a feared and competent bounty hunter? Be-
fore starting, the player should take a few moments and
think about the character he wants to build and what he
wants his character's background to be. Basically, where
did he come from, and what happened to make him into
the character he is today? No person springs into being
fully formed. Individuals are influenced by a lifetime of
decisions and circumstances, starting from birth.

More on determining a character's background is
covered on page 36.


When creating an EDGE OF THE EMPIRE character, the
player chooses a starting Obligation early on. It can
inform other decisions a player makes during charac-
ter creation, such as the type of character he wants
to play, what sort of overall group the players collec-
tively want, and the sorts of skills, gear, and abilities
they may wish to start with.
More on Obligation is covered on page 38.


The galaxy is a crowded place, full of numerous sentient
species that all have their own unique abilities and beliefs.
After a character's Obligation is determined, the player
should define the character's species. Once selected, it
can never be changed. A character's species determines
its starting characteristic ratings for Brawn, Agility, Intel-
lect, Cunning, Willpower, and Presence. It also provides
default wound threshold and strain threshold values, as
well as innate abilities, bonuses, and starting XP.
More on the various species players can choose
from can be found on page 43.


A career sets the character along a certain path or way
of life, but is by no means limiting. A career is a broad
archetype or template of related skills and abilities.
Within each career are a number of specializations.
Each career has eight associated career skills. These
skills should be checked on the character sheet to indi-
cate they are career skills. During this step of character
creation, the player may choose four of the eight start-
ing career skills and gain one rank in each of the select-
ed skills free (he does not spend experience points). He
may not choose the same skill more than once.

During play, career skills are less expensive to train
and improve than non-career skills.
More on the six careers can be found on page 53.

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