Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Each career has several specializations within its
broader definition. Specializations are more focused,
and provide special abilities called talents. Each char-
acter gains access to one specialization without spend-
ing experience at character creation. That specializa-
tion must be one in his chosen career.

Each specialization also includes four additional ca-
reer skills. These four skills should be marked on the
character sheet as career skills if they are not already
marked. During this step of character creation, the
player may choose two of the four additional career
skills and gain one rank in each (without spending ex-
perience). He may not choose the same skill more than
once. However, he may choose to train a skill that was
also trained during the career selection step, allowing
the character to start with a skill trained to level two.
If the character can choose multiple Specializations at
character creation (whether due to some factor of char-
acter creation or because he purchases an additional
Specialization with starting experience) he must select
one and only one Specialization from which to choose
his two free ranks in two career skills.
More on specific specializations can be founcW^K
in the career sections starting on page 55. A full hsl
and descriptions of each talent in this book can
be found starting on page 129.


During character creation, experience £my
points can be invested into one of four ar- IH

eas of character development: improving character-
istics, training skills, acquiring talents, and learning
new specializations. A player may spend experience
points on any combination of these developments to
create a truly unique character.
Players do gain additional experience points
throughout the course of gameplay. The amount of
experience they gain is determined by the CM; more
information about this can be found in Chapter IX:
The Came Master
Players can spend experience points during charac-
ter creation and at the end of each game session when
they receive additional experience points. More about
spending experience points can be found on page 92.


There are several important attributes for each character
that can only be determined after investing experience
points. These help further define the character's resil-
ience and combat abilities. These attributes are woun
threshold, strain threshold, defense, and soak value.

Specifics on how to determine derived attributes
can be found startif^
_ on page 94.
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